After making sure that everything lines up square and attractively, tighten the
three panel nuts, taking great care not to scratch the front panel.
Turn the Tuning capacitor to the left until the plates are visibly meshed.
Press the dial pointer, black washer first, (pointing exactly left) onto the
capacitor shaft. Move it all the way to the second shaft section nearest the
panel. Start by pressing very firmly and evenly.
The hardest part installing these friction-fit dial pointers is getting it
started. Try tapping it on using a 3/8" wrench socket or nut-driver to
apply even pressure. After you get it over the end of the tuning shaft,
gentle and even tapping pressure will move it into place more easily.
Install the four panel knobs with the Allen wrenches and flat screwdriver. Be
sure to align the pointer stripes of the knobs before tightening.
Recheck the LED for best positioning through the front panel.
Attach the rear antenna binding post. The split washer goes against the inside
of the rear panel.
Do not
over-tighten the mounting nut, or it will strip the
threads of the connector's body.
Solder the antenna wire to the tip of the antenna connector.
Install the Ground terminal hardware in this order: (1.) screw through rear
panel, (2.) nut #1, (3.) nut #2 (tighten nuts), (4.) two washers, (5.) wingnut.
(Any ground wire is attached between the two washers.)
Final adjustment of trimmer R20:
Connect battery, headphones and antenna.
steps in 5-10 to ensure
proper operation of Regeneration control.
Refer to the following section "Dial Calibration Adjustment of Trimmer
Capacitor C5" to make a one-time adjustment of trimmer C5.
Install the top cover of your receiver using the eight self-tapping screws.
Before doing so, make sure your have installed a fresh alkaline or heavy-duty
9V battery.