Operating Instructions
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
Figure 4
This impulse response mea-
surement of the loudspeaker in
half-space shows that the
frequency-response aberra-
tions of Figure 3 also appear in
the time domain as echoes at
approximately 4 and 8 msec
(note peaks). These are reflec-
tions from adjacent surfaces.
Figure 5
Complementary Phase Equal-
ization is now applied to re-
move the response aberrations
shown in Figure 3. The lower
window shows the unequalized
loudspeaker response (bright
trace) with the inverse of the
equalizer response overlaid
(grey trace). The equalized
loudspeaker measurement
(upper window) shows restora-
tion of the amplitude response.
Figure 6
This is the impulse response of
the corrected test loudspeaker
in half space. The echoes
shown in Figure 4 have been
suppressed, and the impulse
response restored. This is
proper deconvolution, as can
only be performed with
Complementary Phase equal-
ization applied under high-
resolution measurement.