Metz - Werke GmbH & Co. KG - Zirndorf near Nürnberg
Core competence in the areas of electronics and plastics
technology to form the basis of the excellent reputation of the
Metz Werke that has been built up throughout the world over
a period of many decades.
Metz offers quality made in Germany:
Consumer electronics, mecablitz flash units,
plastics technology and industrial electronics.
Metz-Werke GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 1267, D-90506 Zirndorf
Fon: +49 911 - 97060
Fax: +49 911 - 9706340
[email protected]
Errors excepted. Subject to changes.
Printed in Germany
Metz - always first class.
Service Centre
Training Centre
Administration and development
Mecablitz production
TV production
Plastics technology
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