saving to the archive occurred every 2 s, in the second - every 5 s. The device was reset
between the change of the frequency of writing to the archive. The sin (t) function remained
unchanged, but the data visualization is different when recording every 2 s and when
recording every 5 s. When displaying data, the frequency of writing to the data archive
should be carefully analyzed, due to the possibility of misinterpretation of the trend of
changes when changing the frequency of recording or the lack of data in the selected period
of time.
Fig. 11.12 A
n example view of the ‘View Archive’ window – changing the frequency of archiving.
11.6 Main Menu
To display Main Menu window, select the
button on menu bar.
This screen contains a menu made up from the function icons and their descriptions.
Clicking on the pictogram toggles the user to a suitable sub-screen with settings windows:
Login, General, I/O, Communication, Channels, Screens, Archive, USB. More information
in section
Switching to individual settings windows is possible only for the logged-in user. The
settings can be saved from the Administrator level.
Fig. 11.13 An example view of the
‘Main Menu’ window.
every 2 s
every 5 s