In the top part of the screen, there is a channel description entered by the user. Below,
the current value measured by the channel is displayed together with the unit declared by
the user. The bottom part of the screen is additionally sub-divided into two parts. The left
part displays the totalizers values with the units and minimum and maximum values.
Clicking on the auxiliary values field enables zeroing the totalizers marked as resettable
and restting the maximum and minimum values. It is possible to delete auxiliary values for
a single channel or for
all active channels (Ʃ1, Ʃ2, the max. and min. values).
The right part of the screen contains a trend graph from the last 360 s. Clicking the trend
area results in maximisation of the graph. To restore the previous view, press again on the
graph field.
After maximizing the chart, the trend line value of the channel for the last hour
is displayed (changing the view using the bar under the chart).
Fig. 11.6 Clicking on the trend area in the Single result window displays the graph in full screen mode.
Using the arrows from the menu bar, a change of the displayed channels is possible.
Keeping the buttons down for a few seconds enables automatic displaying other channels.
11.5 Archive
To display Archive window, select the
button on menu bar.
Archive window is sub-divided into two parts. Above is the field containing information
about the frequency of the archiving data. There is also information about number and type
of current archives. For the current data archive, two archiving frequencies have been
envisaged. The active one is marked in black (inactive is marked in grey). In this field there
is an information about the frequency of the archiving totalizers. Additionally, this field
contains information concerning the percentage use of the internal memory of the devices.
Below, two tabs corresponding to the archive of current values and totalizers are
displayed. In the
Process Values
tab, one square corresponds to a single channel (current
value). In the
tab, the upper square corresponds to the first totalizer and the
bottom one to the other totalizer. The value stored in the archive is marked in green (not
archived value is marked in grey).
This window also contains functional buttons for the control of the archiving process, i.e.
STOP/START and New Archive buttons (details of these operations are given in section