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© 2002 Metrobility Optical Systems, Inc.
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Metrobility Media Converters
100Mbps Standalone Units:
2131-13-01 ____ TX to FX multimode SC; universal AC
2131-14-01 ____ TX to FX singlemode SC; universal AC
2131-15-01 ____ TX to FX multimode ST; universal AC
2131-16-01 ____ TX to FX singlemode ST; universal AC
2131-17-01 ____ TX to FX singlemode SC (40km); universal AC
2131-1J-01 ____ TX to FX singlemode SC (100km); universal AC
2131-1X-01 ____ TX to FX singlemode 1550/1310nm bidirectional wave-
length division multiplexed (BWDM) SC
2131-1Y-01 ____ TX to singlemode 1310/1550nm BWDM SC
2131-34-01 ____ FX multimode SC to FX singlemode SC; universal AC
2131-36-01 ____ FX multimode SC to FX singlemode ST; universal AC
2131-54-01 ____ FX multimode ST to FX singlemode SC; universal AC
2131-56-01 ____ FX multimode ST to FX singlemode ST; universal AC
10Mbps Standalone Units:
2111-12-01 ____ RJ-45 to BNC; universal AC
2111-12-02 ____ RJ-45 to BNC; domestic AC
2111-13-01 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode SC; universal AC
2111-13-02 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode SC; domestic AC
2111-15-01 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode ST; universal AC
2111-15-02 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode ST; domestic AC
2111-16-01 ____ RJ-45 to FL singlemode ST; universal AC
2111-16-02 ____ RJ-45 to FL singlemode ST; domestic AC
2111-18-01 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode SMA; universal AC
2111-18-02 ____ RJ-45 to FL multimode SMA; domestic AC