Table 1 Installation (continued)
Backfill the Hole
Return soil to the hole, packing the soil back to its native bulk density.
Do not hit the ferrite core as this could potentially pull the sensor out of the soil.
Connect to Data Logger
Plug the sensor into a data logger.
Use the data logger to make sure the sensor is reading properly.
Verify that these readings are within expected ranges.
For more specific instructions on connecting to data loggers, refer to
Secure and Protect Cables
NOTE: Improperly protected cables can lead to severed cables or disconnected sensors.
Cabling issues can be caused by many factors such as rodent damage, driving over sensor
cables, tripping over cables, not leaving enough cable slack during installation, or poor
sensor wiring connections.
Install cables in conduit or plastic cladding when near the ground to avoid
rodent damage.
Gather and secure cables between the TEROS 11/12 and the data logger to the
mounting mast in one or more places.
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
Port 4
Port 5
Port 6
Securing excess cable
contains brief descriptions for typical installation methods. Each has its own
advantages and disadvantages. For more information about which installation method is
best for specific applications, please see the
TEROS 11/12 Installation Guide
or contact