7351J Very Intelligent Early Warning (VIEW) Laser Smoke Detector Technical Bulletin
This smoke detector is designed to activate and initiate emergency action
but does so only when used with other equipment. This detector is
designed for installation in accordance with NFPA Standard 72
Fire Alarm Code
, or equivalent codes and standards applicable to country
of installation.
Consider the following:
Smoke detectors do not work without power. Power is provided to this
detector when the SLC wiring provides an electrical connection
between the detector and the properly powered and programmed
IFC panel.
Smoke detectors do not sense fires that start where smoke does not
reach the detectors. Smoke from fires in chimneys, in walls, on roofs,
or on the other side of closed doors may not reach the smoke detector
and alarm it.
A detector may not detect a fire developing on another level of a
building. For this reason, detectors should be located on every level of
a building.
Smoke detectors have sensing limitations. Ionization detectors offer a
broad range fire-sensing capability, but they are better at detecting
fast, flaming fires than slow, smoldering fires. Photoelectronic
detectors sense smoldering fires better than flaming fires. Because
fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their
growth, neither type of detector is always best, and a given detector
may not always provide warning of a fire. In general, detectors cannot
be expected to provide warnings for fires resulting from inadequate
fire protection practices, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper
storage of flammable liquids like cleaning solvents, other safety
hazards, or arson.
This detector is UL Listed to operate in a maximum air velocity of
1219 m (4000 ft) per min. Air velocity, along with other factors, may
affect detector sensitivity. See the
NFPA 72-National Fire Alarm Code
for information.
At least semiannually, test your smoke detector system according to
National Fire Alarm Code
or equivalent codes and standards
applicable to the country of installation.
Clean and take care of your smoke detectors regularly. Taking care of
the fire detection system you have installed measurably reduces your
product liability risks.
Controls Group
507 E. Michigan Street
P.O. Box 423
Published in U.S.A.
Milwaukee, WI 53201