Lock all casters by firmly depressing the top tabs.
Insert casters in frame’s lower extremity.
Secure casters to the frame using pig tails lock.
Connect the first cross brace to the frame.
Allow the frame to lean slightly forward and rest on the
casters while you prepare for the next frame to be installed.
Insert coupling pins on top ends of the frames
Stack the second frame to the first one, insert the base
of the frame in the coupling pins in place.
Secure the frame using pig tails locks through the top
and bottom of each coupling pins.
Connect the cross brace to the top level frame.
Insert casters in second frame’s lower extremity.
Secure casters to the frame using pig tails lock.
Secure the first cross brace to the second frame.
Secure the second cross brace to both frames.
Install the diagonal brace to keep the scaffolding square.
Finish the second level by installing the fourth frame.
Put a pig tail lock through the top and bottom of each
coupling pin to avoid any separation.
Secure the first cross brace to the second frame.
Secure the second cross brace to both frames.