5. Position the davit arm to where the hoist cable is over Dinghy lift ring. Have
someone hold onto the weight until it can be attached to the lifting harness. Be
careful weight does not swing into people or dinghy.
6. Lower CABLE OUT until hook can be attached to the harness lift ring. Attach the
hook to the ring and between the two rear cables. All 3 cables should slide to the
bottom of the ring before hoisting. Adjust cable position before lifting
7. Insure tie down straps securing the dinghy to the cradle have been removed.
8. Attach a line to the bow and stern of the dinghy and hand the free ends to an
assistant on the upper deck of GAMAPOTAY. Remind the person to stay clear!
The crew will use the lines to guide the dinghy’s descent and to tie the dinghy
when it gets to the water.
9. Make sure the cable remains vertical while lifting the dinghy. Adjust the davit arm
left/right, up/down to put the cable in vertical position.
10. Once aligned, push the davit control button to lift the dinghy 2-3 inches to verify
the cable is in the right position. When properly aligned, continue to raise the
dinghy using the davit control buttons until it is free of the cradle.
11. When free, the dinghy should ride level.
12. Continue to raise the dinghy until it is clear of the cradle. Raise to the highest
position possible but do not let the weight or cable stop to reach the upper pulley.
13. Rotate the davit arm outboard (to port), being carful to keep the prop and skag
from hitting the lip on the aft portion of the deck, until the dinghy is parallel to the
starboard side of GAMAPOTAY. IF the dinghy starts to swing, stop it using the
bow and stern lines until it is steady.
14. Using the davit control buttons let the cable out. Be carful that the dinghy is clear
of GAMAPOTAY’s railing. At that point, continue to lower the dinghy to the
15. Once the dinghy is on the water, have your crew tie it to GAMAPOTAY and make
sure fenders are between the Whaler and GAMAPOTAY.
16. Lower the cable until your assistant can release the harness from the hoist cable.
IMMEDIATELY raise the hoist CABLE IN until the cable weight is within 3 feet
of the boom. Do not let the cable and weight swing free. The cable, boat, or crew,
can be damaged by it swinging. Rotate the davit inboard to its original stored
position. Re-attach the hook to the hook keeper.
To operate the dinghy, see Starting the Motor below.
June 1, 2010