By right-clicking on the converter icon (or text) it is possible to:
1. Open a remote control window in the DADman program for the corresponding Axion/Sphynx 2.
2. Synchronise the user settings between the DADman program and the corresponding converter.
However, this also happens automatically when the connection between the DADman program
and the corresponding Sphynx 2 is established, or if the connection is interrupted, and re-
3. Set the Properties for the connected Axion/Sphynx 2.
4. Copy and/or paste user settings between different converters.
If you click on Properties a new window will open. Here you can see the serial number for the connected
converter and you can set the unit number and unit name which will appear in the DADman program. In a
multi channel setup with many converters it might be an idea to call the converters Ch. 1-8, Ch 9-16 and
so on.
It is also possible to change the unit ID number and the unit name for the corresponding converter. The
unit ID is always shown at the front panel of the Sphynx 2.
Note that the serial number of the Sphynx 2 is infact an Axion serial number.