90-830234R3 DECEMBER 1997
Single Steering Cable and
Steering Link Rod
NOTE: These instructions are for single cable–single
outboard installations. Instructions for mounting dual
engines are included with the applicable dual engine
attaching kit. Refer to “Quicksilver Accessories
Guide” to determine correct kit.
Refer to “Quicksilver Accessories Guide” to deter-
mine correct length of steering cable.
IMPORTANT: Steering cable must be correct
length. Sharp bends on too-short of a cable re-
sult in “kinks;” too-long of a cable require unnec-
essary bends and/or loops. Both conditions
place extra stress on the cable.
Install steering mount and steering wheel in accor-
dance with installation instructions that accompany
Installing Ride Guide Steering Cable
To The Outboard
IMPORTANT: Before installing steering cable in
tilt tube, lubricate entire cable end with Quicksil-
ver 2-4-C Marine Lubricant.
NOTE: Ride Guide steering cable is lubricated at the
factory and requires no additional lubrication at initial
1. Lubricate seal (a) inside of outboard tilt tube and
entire cable end (b) with Quicksilver 2-4-C Ma-
rine Lubricant.
2. Insert steering cable end thru outboard tilt tube
and secure steering cable to tilt tube with steering
cable attaching nut (c), as shown. Torque nut to
35 lb. ft. (47.5 N·m).
2-4-C With Teflon (92-825407A12)
Steering Link Rod Installation
IMPORTANT: The steering link rod that connects
the steering cable to the engine must be fastened
using special washer head bolt (“a” – Part Num-
ber 10-14000) and self locking nuts (“b”& “c”–
Part Number 11-34863). These locknuts must
never be replaced with common nuts (non lock-
ing) as they will work loose and vibrate off free-
ing the link rod to disengage.
Disengagement of a steering link rod can result
in the boat taking a full, sudden, sharp turn. This
potentially violent action can cause occupants to
be thrown overboard exposing them to serious
injury or death.
3. Assemble steering link rod to steering cable with
two flat washers (d) and nylon insert locknut (“b”
– Part Number 11-34863). Tighten locknut (b) un-
til it seats, then back nut off 1/4 turn.
4. Assemble steering link rod to engine with special
washer head bolt (“a” – Part Number 10-14000)
and nylon insert locknut (“c”– Part Number
11-34863). First torque bolt (a) to 20 lb. ft. (27.0
N·m), then torque locknut (c) to 20 lb. ft. (27.0
After installation is complete (and before operat-
ing outboard), check that boat will turn right
when steering wheel is turned right and that boat
will turn left when steering wheel is turned left.
Check steering thru full range (left and right) and
at all tilt angles to assure interference-free move-