Mercury Security © 2018
DOC 10107-0064
REV 1.01
Page 6
8. Input Circuit Wiring:
Typically, these inputs are used to monitor door position, request to exit, or alarm contacts. Input circuits
can be configured as unsupervised or supervised. When unsupervised, reporting consists of only the
open or closed states.
When configured as supervised, the input circuit will report not only open and closed, but also open circuit,
shorted, grounded*, and foreign voltage*. A supervised input circuit requires two resistors be added to the
circuit to facilitate proper reporting. The standard supervised circuit requires 1k ohm, 1% resistors and
should be located as close to the sensor as possible. Custom end of line (EOL) resistances may be
configured via the host software.
Grounded and foreign voltage states are not a requirement of UL 294 and therefore not verified by UL.
The input circuit wiring configurations shown are supported but may not be typical:
9. Relay Circuit Wiring:
Two Form-C contact relays are provided for controlling door lock mechanisms or alarm signaling devices.
The relay contacts are rated at 2 A @ 30 Vdc, dry contact configuration. Each relay has a Common pole
(C), a Normally Open pole (NO) and a Normally Closed pole (NC). When you are controlling the delivery
of power to the door strike, the Normally Open and Common poles are used. When momentarily removing
power to unlock the door, as with a mag lock, the Normally Closed and Common poles are used. Check
with local building codes for proper egress door installation.
Door lock mechanisms can generate EMF feedback to the relay circuit that can cause damage and
premature failure of the relay plus affect the operation of the LP1501. For this reason, it is recommended
that either a diode or MOV (metal oxide varistor) be used to protect the relay. Wire should be of sufficient
gauge to avoid voltage loss.
From the Auxiliary output, the LP1501 can provide 12 Vdc power for external devices provided that the
maximum current is not exceeded. See the specifications section for details. If a local power supply is
used, it must be UL Listed Class 2 rated.
Standard Supervised Circuit,
Normally Closed Contact
Standard Supervised Circuit,
Normally Open Contact
Unsupervised Circuit,
Normally Open Contact
Unsupervised Circuit,
Normally Closed Contact
Diode Selection:
Diode current rating: 1x strike current
Diode breakdown voltage: 4x strike voltage
For 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc strike, diode 1N4002
(100V/1A) typical.