Special O perating C onditions
H ints fo r Driving
The m ost im portant rule fo r slip
pery or icy roads is to drive sen
sibly and to avoid abrupt acceler
ation, braking and steering action.
Do not use the cruise control sys
tem under such conditions.
W hen the vehicle is in danger of
skidding, declutch or — in case o f
an autom atic transm ission — move
selector lever to position "N " . Try
to keep the vehicle under control
by means o f corrective steering
Provided the tra ffic conditions
w ill allow, only brake in a w ay that
the wheels are locked fo r no more
than fractions o f a second as o the r
wise the steerability o f the vehicle
is lost.
Thaw ing salts and w ater can ad
versely affect the braking e ffi
ciency. Increased pressure on the
pedal may be required to achieve
the usual braking effect.
W e therefore recom m end you to
actuate the brakes repeatedly in
order to test their efficien cy after
driving on salt treated roads for
some tim e. In doing this it m ust, o f
course, be made sure th a t no
danger is created fo r other road
If the vehicle is parked after being
driven on salt treated roads, the
braking efficien cy should be tested
as soon as possible after driving
is resumed w hile adhering to the
safety requirements. Should the
braking e fficiency have deteriorated
considerably it can be im proved
again by braking several times.
High A ltitu d e C o rrectio n D evice
The engine is equipped w ith an
autom atic high altitude correction
Tire Chains
Tire chains can only be used on
the driving wheels. Use only chains
tested and recomm ended by us.
A n y MERCEDES-BENZ service
station w ill readily advise you.
R etighten new ly m ounted tire
chains after a fe w miles o f driving.
Do not exceed permissible m axi
mum speed o f 30 mph (50 km /h).
On clear roads remove the chains
as soon as practicable. Adhere to
the m anufacturer's m ounting in
Traveling A broad
Abroad, too, there is a widely-
spread MERCEDES-BENZ service
netw ork at your disposal. If you
travel into areas w hich are not
listed in the index o f your service
station booklet, you should request
pertinent inform ation from your
Содержание 240 D 1979
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Страница 8: ...Vehicle Operation ...
Страница 10: ...Instrum ents and Controls 9 ...
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Страница 38: ...Driving 37 ...
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Страница 52: ...Vehicle Care 51 ...
Страница 58: ...Practical Hints 57 ...
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Страница 76: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 75 ...
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