Press the LEV key 10 times.
[ .- .-, J
(Tone is on.) You can now change this setting by
pressing ENT. The display will change to this:
[ .- .-, J
-- -' _L_f_-_-_
You can now leave Level Mode by pressing CL.
The display will switch back to "PLAV". Fram now
on, MEPHISTO will continue the game without
sounding any signals.
6. lnformation Mode
By entering lnformation Mode you can make
information about the compute(s calculating pro
cess appear in the display window.
In contrast to all other modes, lnformation Mode
can be entered even while the computer is
analyzing. AII other modes can only be entered
while it is your turn to move.
Pressing the INFO key while the computer is
calculating will cause the best answering move
found so far to be displayed. By repeatedly
pressing the key labelled ->0, you can now step
through the following moves of the main line of
play as expected by the computer. Pressing the
key labelled <-9 allows you to step back through
the variation move by move until you have reached
the first item again.
6.1 lnfo 1: Position evaluation
It you want to know how MEPHISTO evaluates its
current position, first press the INFO key to enter
lnformation Mode and then the number 1 input
The position evalua�ion is given in pawn units. A
minus sign (-) in front of it means that MEPHISTO
thinks it is at a disadvantage.
Far example, it after pressing INFO and the 1 key
you see the number -1.50 in the display window,
this means that MEPHISTO thinks it is about one
and a half pawn units behind.
lf the evaluation drops as low as -9.99, this means
that the computer is ready to resign. You can stop
playing and consider yourself the winner.
On the other hand, an evaluation of 9.99 means
that you should acknowledge MEPHISTO's super
iority and resign in your tum.
During the early pl,ase of a game, while the
computer is stili playing its moves from its store of
opening theory or "book", the following message
will be displayed instead of an evaluation:
' ,- .-,
' ,-,
You can leave lnformation Mode at any tirne by
pressing CL.
6.2 lnfo 2: Chess clock
While the computer is analyzing, the display
normally shows only the tirne taken tor the current
move. lf you want to obtain more information
about the chess clocks, you first have to enter lnfo
Mode (by means of the INFO key) and then press
input key number 2. Pressing the key labelled ->O
will now switch the display to the tirne you took tor
your last move. Pressing the ->O key again will
produce the following display:
' .-,
:, ,_, '
This means that the computer 1s now ready to
display the "sum" or total tirne taken so far by
either side. Pressing ->0 again will display the
total tirne far the computer. Pressing the same key
once more will bring the player's total tirne to the
display window.
By means of the <-9 key, you can step back
through the times displayed until you have reached
the first item again .
Mave times are always displayed in minutes and
seconds, total times in hours and minutes.
You can leave lnformation Mode at any tirne by
pressing CL.
Whenever you change playing levels, the interna!
clock is reset to zero.
6.3 lnfo 3: Search depth and move counter
This item of information allows you to monitor
which moves MEPHISTO is currently considering
and to which depth it has already progressed in its
Again, you first have to enter lnformation Mode by
pressing INFO, then press the number 3 input key.
In the display window you will see a number with a
decimal point. far example:
The digits to the left of the decimal point indicate
the current search depth, at the moment six "ply"
or half moves. The digits to the right
the decimal
po1nt indicate the number of the move the