Operating Instructions - CPC4000
Industrial Pressure Controller
To calibrate the”High Point”:
5. The “High Point” Calibration is done in a similar way as the “Low Point”.
6. Supply a pressure to the Measure/Control Port of the CPC4000 being calibrated, using a pressure
standard. This pressure should be as close as possible to the full scale value of the selected trans-
ducer or at least within 20% of the active transducer’s span.
7. After the pressure stabilizes, record live reading shown on the Two Point Cal screen and enter this
value as the “High Reading” by pressing the High Reading button and entering the number followed by
the check mark [
]. Record the “true pressure” obtained from the reference standard and enter it
as the “High Reference” value in the same manner.
8. After all four values (High Reference, High Reading, Low reference, & Low reading) have been en-
tered, the Adjust button will become active. Press the Adjust button to check and accept the calibration
data then press the Save button. The instrument will then prompt with the question “Save Cal Data?”.
Pressing the check mark [
] in this screen will save the calibration to the memory of the transducer.
10.9 Linearization
The Linearize Application provides a place to record upscale and downscale calibration data
and to linearize each transducer using that data. An “as found calibration” can be performed
by connecting a suitable pressure standard to the Measure/Control port of the CPC4000 being
calibrated, and supplying between 3 and 11 pressure points across the complete range. The
pressure points may be entered using both upscale and downscale pressure points, or only
one direction. The record of the pressures from the pressure standard and the corresponding
reading from the instrument’s transducer can be recorded and transcribed into the Lineariza-
tion Matrix shown in Figure 10.9-A. Linearization of each transducer can be performed from this
screen by selecting each transducer range from the setup screen.
Figure 10.9-A – Linearization Application Data Matrix
The Linearization Application automatically populates the screen with equidistant increments from
the low to high pressure corresponding to the range of the transducer selected. These values can be
changed to reflect the values generated by the reference standard and the corresponding readings taken
from the CPC6050. Each value from the reference standard can be entered under the reference column,
corresponding Upscale and Downscale readings from the instrument can be entered in the “Actual” col-
umn or “Upscale” and “Downscale” columns. To enter a value simply press the number and a key pad will
appear (see Figure 10.9-B) where the number can be entered. Press the check mark [
] to accept
each value. With upscale and downscale on, the “Average” column automatically averages the upscale
and downscale values.