liquid or particulates. User should verify input pressure (shop air) is within the operating
range of the booster and within the range of any test device connected prior to applying the
input pressure. Although the regulator pressure settings have been set at the factory, the user
should on initial application verify the incoming shop air is 150 psi or less and the input
pressure gauge on the rear of the unit is approximately 50 psi or less. The black regulator
knob should be used to adjust the input pressure either increasing or decreasing the output
pressure as appropriate. The front panel gauge shows the actual output pressure value. Once
the system is operational, the black regulator knob should be used to set the final output
pressure to match the application and the controller full scale. Some final adjustments may be
required to compensate for differences in actual supply pressure.
There are two pressure ports on the rear of the Model 73 chassis. The input pressure port is
designed for a shop air supply which functions as the drive pressure as well as the output
media. It should be clean dry compressed air (or Nitrogen) at a pressure of 70 to 150 psi.
(Absolute Maximum Input Pressure is 150 psi to the rear mounted pressure filter.) This
pressure is regulated down to a typical working pressure of 50 to 150 psi. The second
pressure port is the HIGH PRESSURE OUTPUT port. It is designed for a typical output
pressure of 325 to 750 psi. The mechanical advantage is derived by using differing piston
area sizes to generate high pressures. The output equation is :
Output Pressure = Input Pr (Regulated Pressure * 4)
The input port is a 3/8” Swagelok male type tube fitting mounted on the external pressure
filter. The Output port is a ¼” Swagelok male type tube fitting.
Input Pressure Port
The input pressure port labeled
“INPUT PRESSURE” is used to
supply and drive the booster and
is intended to be connected to a
shop air supply of 70 to 150 psi
(150 psi max). The port is a 3/8”
male Swagelok type tube fitting
mounted on the end of a pressure
filter. A 200 psi rear mounted
panel gauge provides an
indication of the regulated shop
air pressure input. If shop air is
not present on the gauge the user
should check to see if the shop
air is present on the input port
and the regulator knob is not fully counterclockwise. The input regulator filter provides basic
filtering of large particles and liquids. It should periodically be checked for excessive
contamination and emptied of liquids.
Note: The input pressure supply should have