Driver Software and Firmware
Rev 1.6
Mellanox Technologies
To get the version of the running Mellanox OFED/BXOFED, run the following command:
# ofed_info |head -1
MLNX_OFED_LINUX-1.5.3-0.1.6 (OFED-1.5.3-0.1.6):
Troubleshooting MLNX_OFED Installation
For troubleshooting driver installation, please check Mellanox OFED driver user manual ar
=> Support => InfiniBand Products => Mellanox OFED.
Loading the Ethernet Driver
By default, the Mellanox OFED stack loads mlx4_en. Run ‘lsmod’ to verify that the module is
Host# lsmod |grep mlx4_en
mlx4_en 114184 0
mlx4_core 156512 2 mlx4_ib,mlx4_en
If you don’t see the mlx4_en driver, run:
’ modprobe mlx4_en’
Another option is to use the command below to see which modules are active.
Edit ”/etc/infiniband/openib.conf” which modules needs to load
from a service.
For example:
# Load MLX4_EN module
The “Usage: openibd {start|stop|restart|status}” command to modify this file and thereby control
the drivers.
Ethernet Driver Usage and Configuration
To assign an IP address to the interface run:
#> ifconfig eth<n> <ip>
where 'n' is the OS assigned interface number.
• To check driver and device information run: