MelcoJet FP-125 Printer User Manual (v. 4.0)
September 2008
Page 63
Printer Port Test
The Printer Port Test is used to test the communication between the computer and
MelcoJet printer. Click the Printer Port Test button, while watching the printer control
panel The Power LED will blink a few times if the communication is established. If it
doesn’t blink, refer to the troubleshooting appendix.
Print Nozzle Purge by Printhead
Click the Print Nozzle Purge by Printhead tab. Follow the on screen instructions.
The drop down menu lists Y, M, C, K, Y/W, M/W, C/W, K/W, to choose from.
Select the channel or channels that need to be purged, then click Purge-Print button.
Load an 8.5x11.0” or larger size paper at the lower right corner of the Print Table.
When the Ready LED lights up on the control panel press the PRINT key.