Operating Manual
Label Printer
Dear doctor,
With your purchase of MELAdoc, you have acquired a device which only a few years ago was not to be found in a
doctor's or dentist's practice. The majority of your colleagues would doubtless have dismissed it as a "bureaucratic
The situation has changed fundamentally.
Hygiene standards for doctor's and dental practices have become very strict. It is especially important to observe the
recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute "Hygiene requirements for the treatment of medical products," and
§4 clause.2 of the Medical Devices Operations Ordinance, which requires that the “operator“ (i.e. yourself)
“…prepares the instruments in a suitable and validated procedure which ensures its verifiable success…“
Compliance with these requirements will be verified. The Infections Protection Act gives government authorities the
right to subject practices to rigorous inspection without any grounds for suspicion. Health authorities, local authorities
etc. are making increased use of this right in the form practice inspections, usually announced in advance.
Using MELAdoc and the corresponding labels means that you are able to label sterile equipment in terms of its
sterilization date, expiry date, batch number and clearance of the sterilized product, and enables you to fulfil all the
valid legal requirements.
Your MELAG team