MEITRACK T333 User Guide
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ACC and Door Detection (Pin 5/7)
Note: If input 3 is connected to the "ACC" position, after the engine is started, the platform will read it as ON-OFF-ON. If input 3
is connected to the "Start" position, after the engine is started, the platform will read it as OFF-ON-OFF. If installed correctly,
after the engine is started, the platform will read it as OFF-ON.
Output (Pin 10/11)
Note: To implement remote fuel and power cut-off, connect the relay to the fuel pump cable or the engine cable in series.
Sensor Input
For pin 8 analog input 1, a sensor whose output voltage ranges from 0 V to 6.6 V can be installed. The analog voltage
calculation formula is as follows:
Voltage = (AD x 3.3 x 2)/4096
Pin 10 is connected to the A53 fuel sensor by default. You can install the sensor without calculation formula added on the
platform. For details, see the
A53 Fuel Sensor User Guide
Pin 12 is connected to A61+A52 temperature sensor or iButton by default. For details, see the
Meitrack Temperature Sensor
User Guide
Meitrack iButton User Guide