This user guide details the operational and functional details of the DET2/3 advanced earth (ground) tester.
Please read this user guide fully before attempting to use the DET2/3.
The DET2/3 automatic earth test instrument is designed to measure earth Electrode Resistance and Soil Resistivity,
with highly accurate results. It is powered by an internal rechargeable battery which has a long usage period.
The battery is recharged with an external power supply unit.
Please refer to the image opposite on page 5 for detail of the DET2/3 layout.
For personal safety and to get the maximum benefit from this instrument, make sure that the safety warnings and
instructions (Safety (page 1)) are read and understood before the instrument is used.
The list of tests and connections detailed in this user guide are not exhaustive. Refer to the booklet
Down To Earth
for more information.
The DET2/3 can be used on large or more complex earth systems, which include communications earth systems
and difficult test environments. It can be used to test in accordance with BS 7430 (Earthing), BS-EN-62305
(Lightning Protection), BS-EN-50122-1 (Railway Applications) and IEEE Standard 81.
Soil resistivity measurements are used to establish the optimum electrode design and site, as well as performing
archaeological and geological investigations.
Where there is doubt about a particular application, reference should be made to the advice and guidance
contained in the publication
Getting Down to Earth
Agricultural location.
The DET2/3 can be used in agricultural locations (as per IEC 61557-5) where, to comply with the standard, the
output voltage must be set to 15 V.
It can also set to 15 V when risk assessment determines that a 50 V test voltage is too high.
IEC 61557-5 recommends that the output is below 25 V in agricultural locations.
The DET2/3 provides accurate 1 mΩ resolution measurements of earth Electrode Resistance.
With its microprocessor controlled system it provides a flexible user-friendly approach to earth tests by the
provision of excellent error detection capabilities and full test information shown on a large colour display.
Test frequency, test voltage and filtering can be quickly and easily adjusted so that adverse conditions, which can
influence the test, can be overcome.
Resistance measurements can also be made with a switched dc signal at a variable frequency of between 10 Hz
and 200 Hz.
A wide band of test current frequencies, with a resolution of 0.5 Hz, can be used to eliminate errors caused by
noise in the earth.
The DET2/3 also includes an automatic frequency selection feature that scans for frequencies with the lowest
noise level and then runs a test at that frequency.
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