Envoy 2 S Series User Guide 20191217-21.docx || © 2019 MegaVoice Ltd. || Page 5 of 51
Glossary of terms
2-second press
Synonymous with “long press”. Press, hold for 2 seconds and release.
The storing of a setting or audio file playback position for use later.
Charge-only USB cable
A USB cable that can only be used for charging while connected to a computer or other
charging source.
A quick press and release.
Cross Navigation feature
With the installation of special
on an Envoy 2 S Dual, while listening to a specific
Book/Chapter in one Channel, a click on the other Channel button will navigate to the
beginning of the same Book/Chapter in the other Channel. Available by special request
from MegaVoice when ordering players.
Data-only USB cable
A USB cable that will allow both transfer of data while connected to a computer as well as
charging of the player.
Permanent software programmed into the player’s read-only memory.
A device that expands a single Universal Serial Bus (USB) port into several so that there
are more ports available to connect devices to a host system. USB hubs are often built
into equipment such as computers, keyboards, monitors, or printers.
Kilobits per second.
“Light-emitting diode” A semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electric
current passes through it. The light is not particularly bright, but in most LEDs it is
monochromatic, occurring at a single wavelength.
Lithium Ion battery
(sometimes Li-ion battery or LIB) A battery that is a member of a family of rechargeable
battery types in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive
electrode during discharge and back when charging.
Long press
Press, hold for 2 seconds and release.
“MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) Layer 3” Audio file format.
Not applicable.
Onboard memory
Internal memory in the player. Accessible when player is connected with an SLS cable.
A MegaVoice Envoy 2 S Series player.
Powered HUB
A USB HUB that receives its power from direct current rather than the computer via a USB
Press and hold
A continuous press until a certain location or the end/beginning is reached.
Software available from MegaVoice at no charge used to program players with audio.
SLS cable
A special USB data cable (available only from MegaVoice) used for programming
MegaVoice players. The player memory can only be accessed using these cables.
A MegaVoice Envoy 2 S Series player.
“Universal Serial Bus” The most popular connection used to connect a computer to
devices such as digital cameras, printers, scanners, and external hard drives. USB is a
cross-platform technology that is supported by most of the major operating systems.
USB port
A standard cable connection interface for personal computers and consumer electronic
USB to micro-USB cable
USB cable with standard USB connector on one end and micro-USB connector on the other.
In the context of computer operating systems, a volume or logical drive is a single
accessible storage area with a single file system, typically (though not necessarily) resident
on a single partition of a hard disk or other device.
Standard audio file format created by Microsoft.
“Windows Media Audio” An audio and audio codec file format.