P2007 Jens Broecking © Firma WJG, Braunschweig. Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
1. Output: Radio front left channel.
2. Output: Radio front right channel.
3. Output: Radio rear left channel.
4. Output: Radio rear right channel.
5. Output: External speaker front left.
6. Output: External speaker front right.
7. Output: External speaker rear left.
8. Output: External speaker rear right.
9. Output pf the second amplifier: External subwoofer.
A. Connection: From SunSet 3200 to the second amplifier left channel.
B. Connection: From SunSet 3200 to the second amplifier right channel.
Input Sensitivity [3] and [4]:
To adapt the amplifier to the car radio turn the volume control of the radio into the central position and adjust
the input sensitivities of the amplifier that the radio has a convenient volume. These adjustments provide a
sufficient power and an optimal Signal/Noise-Ratio.
Low-pass Filter [9]/[10] and the LPF-Frequency Adjustment [7]/[8]:
If the amplifier is used for the operation of subwoofers put the frequency-separating filters to LPF and adjust the
frequency adjusters that their timbre matches the installed subwoofers.
High-pass Filter [9]/[10] and the HPF-Frequency Adjustment [11]/[12]:
If the amplifier is used for the operation of tweeters and mid range speakers put the frequency-separating filters
to HPF and adjust the frequency adjusters that only the medium and high frequencies are amplified. This will
also protect the membrane of the speakers.
Bass Booster [5] and [6]:
Use these functions to minimize the harmonic distortion of low bass frequencies.