Getting Started
Remove the protective cover of the USB Flash Drive and connect the device with an available USB port.
The USB Flash Drive will be recognized and the operating system assigns the letter of an empty drive. Now you can use the device like
a diskette drive (copy data, delete, etc.).
The shape of the USB stick may cause it to partially cover an adjacent USB port. Connect a USB extension in this case.
Removing USB Flash Drive
With some operating systems it may be necessary to sign off the device.
The installed USB Flash Drive is displayed in the taskbar. Right click with the mouse “Unplug or Eject Hardware”.
The instruction for device removal will follow.
Customer Service
Errors and Possible Causes
USB Flash Drive is not recognized:
• Is the device connected correctly?
• Check in the Windows® device manager, whether the USB units are correctly linked. If necessary re-install the USB controller.
Data cannot be read / written:
• Did you format the USB Flash Drive with another computer? Different formats (FAT/FAT32/HFS) may be incompatible. Save the
data and reformat the USB Flash Drive with a compatible format.
Please note:
If the USB Flash Drive does not operate normally due to an electrostatic discharge, faulty data exchange or other error, please carefully
disconnect the USB Flash Drive and reconnect it.
Additional Support
If the suggestions in the above section have not solved your problem, please contact the service hotline and we will attempt to help
you solve the problem. Before you contact the Helpline, however, please have the following information available:
• How is your computer configured?
• What additional peripherals do you use?
• What messages, if any, appear on your screen?
• What software were you using when the error occurred?
• What steps have you already undertaken to solve the problem?
• If you have been given a customer number previously, please quote this.
Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved.
Microsoft®, MS-DOS®, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Cor-
poration in the U.S. and other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Medion Service Center
Visonic S.A.
C/ Miguel Faraday, 6
Parque Empresarial „La Carpetania“, N-IV Km. 13
28906 Getafe, Madrid
Hotline: 90 219 6437
Fax: 91 460 4772
e-mail: [email protected]
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