IDE Secondary Slave PIO
For these 4 IDE options, choose “Auto” to have the system BIOS
auto detect the IDE HDD operation mode for PIO access.
Some IDE HDD can not operate at the responding HDD’s mode.
When the user has selected “Auto” and the system BIOS has
accepted the HDD response mode, the user may degrade the
HDD’s operation mode. Ex: IF the HDD reported it can operate in
mode 4 but it is not operating properly, the user will have to
manually change the operation mode to mode 3.
Choosing Mode 1-4 will have the system ignore the HDD’s reported
operation mode and use the selected mode instead.
Note: According to ATA specs. Mode 4 transfer rate is > Mode 3 > Mode 2
> Mode 1 > Mode 0. If the user’s HDD can operate at Mode 3 the user
can also select a slower Mode (i.e. Mode 0-2) but not a faster Mode (ie
Mode 4).
On-Chip Primary PCI IDE
On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE
The system provides for a On-Board
On-Chipset PCI IDE controller that
supports Dual Channel IDE (Primary
and Secondary). A maximum of 4 IDE
devices can be supported. If the user
install the Off-Board PCI IDE controller
(i.e. add-on cards), the user must
choose which channels will be disabled.
This will depend on which channel will
be used for the Off-Board PCI IDE add-
on card.