MediaTek LinkIt™ Smart 7688 Developer's Guide
© 2015, 2016 MediaTek Inc.
Page 36
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Unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
$ opkg install nano
$ opkg install
This removes a previously installed package(s). For example:
$ opkg remove <pkgs| globp>
This upgrades an installed package to a newer version. For example:
$ opkg upgrade <pkgs| globp>
Note: To perform opkg tasks such as install and upgrade, you’ll need to switch the LinkIt Smart 7688
to Station mode; this connects the device to the Internet. Please see section 3.5.2, “Station Mode” for
more information. Please also be aware if you upgrade a package to a newer version, it may or may
not work with your current project due to possible API or behavior changes.
For more information on opkg features, please check the
System Configuration
This chapter describes the tools and methods you can use to configure LinkIt Smart 7688
development board.
System Configuration Tools
There are two options available for configuring LinkIt Smart 7688 development boards: the Web
UI and system console.
The Web UI will enable you to perform most common development related tasks, but to gain full
access to the system you’ll need to access the system console. A summary of the features of
these two options are provided in Table 12.
Connection Method Reference
Wi-Fi Simple
Web UI
Wi-Fi network
System Configuration System Console SSH through Wi-Fi
Using SSH (Secure
Socket Shell)
Kernel Console
through UART2
Table 12 Configuration functions of the Web UI and System console
In addition, some functions, such as updating the boot loader and firmware can be performed
using a USB drive.