MediaTek LinkIt™ Connect 7681 Developer's Guide
© 2015, 2016 MediaTek Inc.
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Using log to debug in AP mode
If MT7681 is in AP mode with
the following is a typical debug log:
==> Recovery Mode /*start to running recovery/Calibration image*/
<== Recovery Mode /* end to running recovery/Calibration image*/
(-) /* start to running station image*/
load_ap_cfg /* Load AP configuration from flash, if no valid
use default value defined in source files*/
===> APStartUp
PMK Updating ... /* if AP is WPA or WPA2-PSK mode, calculate PMK
according to
SSID and password */
/*print the final used AP configurations*/
AP SETTING: SSID[MT7681_AP1], AuthMode[9], WepStatus[8], Channel[8]
APStartUp ... OK
/*A station which has MAC address “***.f4”, send Auth Req packet to MT7681
APPeerAuthReqAction: MAC-69:df:dd:29:62:f4
MacTableInsertEntry,280, pEntryWcid=0
APHandleRxMgmtFrame,260, SUBTYPE_AUTH:/* MT7681 AP deal with the received
Req packet , send back Auth
APAssocReqActionAndSend : MAC-69:df:dd:29:62:f4 /* Station send Assoc
packet to MT7681 AP*/
APHandleRxMgmtFrame,273, SUBTYPE_ASSOC_REQ: /* MT7681 AP deal with the
Assoc Req packet, send back
Assoc Response */
WpaEAPOLStartAction [pEntry->Aid= 1] ===> : /* MT7681 AP send EAPOL start
packet to station, to start
way handshake*/
===> WPAStart4WayHS, pEntry->Aid=1
<=== WPAStart4WayHS: send Msg1 of 4-way
===> PeerPairMsg2Action [pEntry->Aid=1]
<=== PeerPairMsg2Action: send Msg3 of 4-way
===> PeerPairMsg4Action [pEntry->Aid=1]
/*4 way handshake finished*/
AP SETKEYS DONE - WPA2, AuthMode(7), WepStatus(6), GroupWepStatus(4)
Client IP: /*MT7681 AP assign a IP address to station*/
/*MT7681 AP dump all DHCP client list*/
DhcpNO[0] Flag[1] IP[] MAC[69-df-dd-29-62-f4]
DhcpNO[1] Flag[0] IP[] MAC[0-0-0-0-0-0]
DhcpNO[2] Flag[0] IP[] MAC[0-0-0-0-0-0]
DhcpNO[3] Flag[0] IP[] MAC[0-0-0-0-0-0]
DhcpNO[4] Flag[0] IP[] MAC[0-0-0-0-0-0]