Manumed active
Intended purpose
Manumed active is a wrist compression support. The product is exclusively to
be used for the orthotic fitting of the wrist and only on intact skin.
Areas of use
Painful attrition of the wrist (arthrosis)
Irritations and inflammations in the wrist (e.g. arthritis, rheumatic, through
overstrain, after operations, etc.)
Wrist injuries, e.g. sprains
Tendon inflammations
Feelings of instability in the wrist
Side-effects / Contraindications
There are no known side effects if the correctly sized product is fitted as
recommended. However, if supports (or similar aids) are too tight, this may
lead to local pressure effects or the constriction of blood vessels or nerves in
individual cases. You should thus consult your doctor in the following
circumstances and before applying the support,:
Diseases or injuries of the skin in the area of use, especially with
inflammatory symptoms (excessive warming, swelling or reddening).
Paralgesia and circulatory disorders of the legs or feet (e.g. in the case of
Lymph outflow disorders as well as unclear swellings of soft tissues outside
the area of use.
Any combination with other products (e.g. arm stockings) must be discussed
beforehand with the attending doctor.
Mode of action / Comment on wear
Manumed active has a stabilising effect that prevents unhealthy movements
of the wrist through the interaction of compressive knitted fabric, belt strap
and individually adjustable splints. This relieves the muscles of the lower arm
as well as tendons and tendon insertions in the affected area and reduces
irritations. The compressive effect of the knitted fabric also restricts swelling.
In principle, the support can be worn for the whole day but should be taken off
during longer periods of rest (e.g. sleep). But you should make this dependent
on how you feel. In the event of unexpected, excessive changes, e.g. an
intensification of the symptoms, please take the product off immediately and
contact your doctor or supplying dealer.
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