8. Resources for you
Helpful resources to support you throughout your breast milk feeding journey.
Visit our website for helpful videos.
MedelaVideos.com (U.S.) or
UCXu0hfQ0z-B1RNyS-2zKcSQ (Canada)
Choosing the right breast shield
size can impact your breast milk
supply. Find out why and get help
choosing the right size.
MedelaBreastShields.com (U.S.) or
Medela.ca/breastshields (Canada)
Complement your breastfeeding journey
with our free, personalized, award-winning
app, designed to help you achieve
your goals. Track baby’s key activities,
log nursing and pumping details,
and get access to breastfeeding tips.
Available on Android and iOS devices.
MyMedelaApp.com (U.S.) or
mymedela (Canada)