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P a g e
11.2 To raise the side rails - Pull up until the rail clicks in place.
To lower the side rails - release the pulling button as per Figure # 25.
Figure # 25
12. Patient remote control
First ensure the power wire is connected. Patient can easily control the bed positions by
using the patient remote control, including adjusting the bed height, raising and lowering the
back head and foot sections, trendelenburg and reverse trendelenburg. Press the remote
control button until the ideal position is selected. See Figure # 26. Trendelenburg and
reverse trendelenburg positions as per Figure #27 & 28.
Figure # 26
Raise bed head part
Lower bed head part
Raise bed foot part
Lower bed foot part
Raise both bed head
and foot part
Lower both bed head
and foot part
Raise the entire bed
Lower the entire bed
Reverse Trendelenburg