Programming manual for Meca500 (for firmware 9.2.x)
2.5. Responses and messages
The Meca500 sends responses and messages over its control port when it encounters an error, when it
receives a request command or certain motion commands, and when its status changes. All responses
from the Meca500 consist of an ASCII string in the following format:
[4-digit code][text message OR comma-separated return values]
The four-digit code indicates the type of response:
[1000] to [1999]: Error message due to a command;
[2000] to [2999]: Response to a command, or pose and joint set feedback;
[3000] to [3999]: Status update message or general error.
The second part of a command error message [1xxx] or a status update message [3xxx] will always be
a description text. The second part of a command response [2xxx] may be a description text or a set of
comma-separated return values, depending on the command.
All text descriptions are intended to communicate information to the user and are subject to change
without notice. For example, the description "Homing failed" may eventually be replaced by “Homing has
failed.” Therefore, you must rely only on the four-digit code of such messages. Any change in the codes
or in the format of the comma-separated return values will always be documented in the firmware
upgrade manual. Finally, return values are either integers or IEEE-754 floating-point numbers with up to
nine decimal places.
2.5.1 Command error messages
When the Meca500 encounters an error while executing a command, it goes into error mode. See
for details on how to manage these errors.
lists all command error messages.
[1000][Command buffer is full.]
Maximum number of queued commands reached. Retry by
sending commands at a slower rate.
[1001][Empty command or command
unrecognized. - Command: '...']
Unknown or empty command.
[1002][Syntax error, symbol missing. -
Command: '...']
A parenthesis or a comma has been omitted.
[1003][Argument error. - Command: '...']
Wrong number of arguments or invalid input (e.g., the
argument is out of range).
[1005][The robot is not activated.]
The robot must be activated.
[1006][The robot is not homed.]
The robot must be homed.
[1007][Joint over limit (... is not in range [...,...]
for joint ...). - Command: '...'.]
The robot cannot execute the
command because at least one of its joints is either already or
will become outside the user-defined limits.
[1010][Linear move is blocked because a
joint would rotate by more than 180deg. -
Command: '...']
The linear motion cannot be executed because it requires a
reorientation of 180° of the end-effector, and there may be
two possible paths.