Chapter 5
Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Specifications in
italic text
are guaranteed by design.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Analog input
Table 1. Analog input specifications
A/D converter type
16 bits
Number of channels
16 single-ended / 8 differential, software selectable
Input ranges, software
±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±1.25 V
0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 2.5 V, 0 to 1.25 V
Unipolar/bipolar, software selectable
A/D pacing
(software programmable)
Internal counter - 82C54.
External source (A/D EXTERNAL PACER)
Software polled
Burst mode
Software selectable option, rate = 5 µs
A/D trigger sources
External digital (A/D EXTERNAL TRIGGER)
External analog (ANALOG TRIGGER IN)
A/D triggering modes
External digital: Software configurable for:
Edge (triggered)
Level-activated (gated)
Programmable polarity (rising/falling edge trigger, high/low gate)
External analog: software-configurable for:
Positive or negative slope.
Above or below reference
Positive or negative hysteresis
In or out of window
Trigger levels set by DAC0 and/or DAC1, 4.88 mV resolution.
Unlimited pre- and post-trigger samples. Total # of samples must be > 256. Compatible
with both Digital and Analog trigger options.
Data transfer
From 512 sample FIFO via interrupt w/ REPINSW
Software polled
A/D conversion time
5 µs max
200 kHz
Auto-calibration, calibration factors for each range stored on board in non-volatile RAM.
Common mode range
±10 V min
CMRR @ 60 Hz
-70 dB
Input leakage current
±200 nA max
Input impedance
10 MΩ min
Absolute maximum input
±15 V