Charging the fan
Approximate length of usage*
Fan speed 1
14 hours
Fan speed 2
10.5 hours
Fan speed 3
5.5 hours
Fan speed 4
4 hours
Night light only
25 hours
Turning the fan on
Press the control button once.
Turning the night light on
: Hold down the control button for 2 seconds.
Turning the night light off
: Hold down the control button for 2 seconds.
Adjusting the fan speed
: There are 4 fan speeds. To move through the fan speeds, press the control
button. The bottom half of the LED (white) will change to indicate a change in fan speed.
Turning the fan off
: Keep pressing the control button until it has gone through all 4 fan speeds.
To charge the fan, connect the USB cable provided. We recommend using a 5V/1A or 5V/2A charger. Do
not force the cable into the fan as this could damage the connection.
Whilst charging, the top half of the LED (orange) will flash. The size of the LED will increase depending on
the charging percent: 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. It will take approx. 6 hours to charge the fan to 100%
power. At 100% charge the entire top half of the LED will light up in orange.
The fan can be used as normal whilst charging. If the fan is used on fan speed 3 or 4 whilst charging, the
charging time is doubled.
Do not charge the fan on thick carpet. Do not cover the fan at any point, especially whilst charging.
The fan can be charged up to 300 times before the battery will need replacing.
*Using the fan on fan speeds 1, 2, 3 or 4 and the night
light will reduce the length of usage.