Technical Manual
Motion Detector/Automatic Switch 55/63
Series .02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
46 Basic function
Single-button function
The blinds/shutter function is used to control shutter actuators, which can be used for the
adjustment and control of blinds/shutters.
The following figure shows the available settings:
Figure 29: Settings
Single-button function: Blinds/Shutter
The following table shows the available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Operation function
long=move /
short=stop/slats Open/Close
short=move /
long=stop/slats Open/Close
Setting whether to move or stop
with a long button or a short button.
Table 36: Settings
Single-button function: Blinds/Shutter
3 communication objects appear for the blind function. On the one hand, the movement object
"Blinds up/down" and on the other hand the function for the stop/step object "Slats
adjustment/stop". The movement object is used to raise and lower the blinds/shutters. The
"Stop/step object" is used to adjust the slats. In addition, this function stops the up or down
movement if the end position has not yet been reached.
With the single-button function, the system switches between up and down after each button is
pressed. The direction is reversed depending on the "Status for change of direction" object. Since
blind actuators always use a 1 signal for the downward movement and a 0 signal for the upward
movement, the unit outputs this as well.
It is additionally possible to swap the action for the long and short button press.
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Name/Object Function
Button left
Blinds Up/Down
1 Bit
Up/down command for the shutter actuator
Button left
Slats adjustment / Stop
1 Bit
Open/close slats and stop command
Button left
Status for change of direction
1 Bit
Receipt of the status with current information
about the direction of the shutter actuator
Table 37: Communication objects
Single-button function: Blinds/Shutter