Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
4.4.10 HSV color control
Single-button function
Two-button function
With the HSV color control, LED dimmers with RGB/RGBW function can be controlled and their status
can be displayed on the display.
The following figure shows the available settings:
Figure 43: Settings – HSV color control
The table below shows all available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
HSV function selection
Hue (H)
Saturation (S)
Value (V)
Setting of the function to be
Table 56: Settings – HSV color control
The HSV color control can control the 3 parameters (hue, saturation, brightness) of the HSV
chromatic circle. A 4bit dimming command and a switching command are available for the control.
The switching command is used to switch the LED strip on/off. With the 4 bit dimming command, a
cycle through the HSV chromatic circle can be performed. This is a start-stop dimming, that means as
soon as the dimming function becomes active, it will move inside the chromatic circle until the
button is released. After releasing, a stop telegram is sent which terminates the dimming process.
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Push button 1:
Push buttons 1/2: – HSV control On/Off
1 Bit
Only for subfunction “Value”
Switch command for color control
Push button 1:
Push buttons 1/2: –
Change HSV Hue (H)/ Saturation (S)/
Value (V) relative
4 Bit
Cycle through the HSV chromatic
Push button 1 –
Value for toggle
1 Bit
Only for single-button function and
subfunction “Value”
Feedback signal about the current
state of the actuator to be switched
Push button 1:
Push buttons 1/2: –
Status for Hue/ Saturation/ Value
1 Byte
Receiving the status of the HSV
chromatic circle
Table 57: Communication objects – HSV color control