Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
Single-button function
Two-button function
This determines how the dimming function is presented on the display:
Normal view:
The dimming function can be displayed with 3 freely selectable symbols and freely selectable colors.
The button evaluates the information of object 3 "State for display". In addition, the current status
can be displayed as text under the symbol:
Figure 42: Normal view – Dimming
Special presentation:
Here you can alternatively select a bar symbol, a display as a percentage or value (0...255). The
information from "Object 3 - Status for display" is also evaluated here:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Special symbols
bar symbol
bar symbol with fan
value as text (0-100%)
value as text (0-255)
With the "bar symbol" setting, the
symbol is displayed and the bar is
filled according to the current status.
With the setting "Value as text", the
text is shown in large letters on the
Table 55: Special presentation – Dimming