(Continued on the next page)
Game and Match
In tournament play a match will usually consist of the best 2 out of 3 games to 11. A game is finished when one player or
team reaches 11 points and is leading by at least two points. If the score is tied at 10-10, then the game continues until
one player or team wins by two points. Players switch sides after the first game. If a third game is needed, the players will
switch sides after the first player or team gets to 6 points, and the game will then continue to its conclusion.
Matches consisting of just one game are played to 15 points. The winner in this format must also be ahead by two points.
In a 15 point game, players should switch sides after one team gets to 8 points, and the game will then continue to its
Determine which side will serve first.
In pickleball a player or team can only score points when serving.
Prior to 2007, players were allowed to step over the baseline with one foot when serving, as long as they kept at least one
foot behind the baseline until after they contacted the ball. However, the rule has been changed by the National
Pickleball Association (USAPA) so that now both feet must remain behind the baseline until after the ball is struck.
Players must announce the score prior to serving. Always call the server's score first.
For instance, upon starting the server should announce “0-0-1” or “0-0-start”. This indicates that the score is 0 to 0 and the
server is “player 1” or the starter of the game. From this point forward the server will announce the score with his team’s
score first followed by a 1 or 2 to identify the server.
The serve must be made with an underhand stroke so that contact with the ball is made below waist level.
Underhand Definition:
The arm must be moving in an upward arc and the paddle head shall be below the wrist when it strikes the ball.
Serves must travel diagonally and land between the non-volley zone and the baseline of the service court opposite of the
serving player.
Each player is allowed only one serving attempt unless it is a “let” serve. A let serve occurs when the serve hits the top of
the net as it crosses the court and still lands in the correct service court. If this occurs the serve is played over. Each player
will continue to serve until he does not win a point.
Serving in Doubles
At the start of each new game, only one player on the first serving team is permitted a serve before turning service over to the
opposing team. Thereafter both members of each team will have a service turn before the ball is turned over to the opposing
team to serve.
So to start a game the initial server continues to serve, alternating sides (right, left, right etc) until a point is lost by the
serving team. Then the ball is served by the opposing team’s right side player who continues to serve until a point is lost.
Once a point is lost the service does not revert to the opposing team but to that server’s partner, “Player 2” on the same
team. When a point is lost on “Player 2’s” service it becomes the other team’s turn to serve. Each player on this team will
now get a chance to serve before turning the serve over to the opposing team.
When the serving team scores a point, the server alternates to the other side of the serving team’s court. The receiving
team players do not alternate sides.
If the serve rotation is done properly in doubles, the serving team's score will always be even when the player that started
the game on the right side is on the right side and odd when that player is on the left side.
Serving in Singles
In singles, the server will serve from the right when he has an even number of points (0, 2, 4,etc). The server should serve
from the left when he has an odd number of points (1, 3, 7,etc). The receiver should adjust their position diagonally across
the court according to where the server stands.
Non-Volley Zone:
To volley a ball means to hit it in the air without letting it bounce. All volleying must be done with the player’s feet behind the
non-volley zone.
If a player's momentum causes them to step on or over the non-volley line after hitting a volley they have committed a fault
and lose the point.
If a player's paddle or any part of their body touches any part of the non-volley zone while hitting a volley or because of their
forward momentum after hitting the ball they lose the point!
A player may jump across the no-volley line after hitting a volley if they don't touch any part of the non-volley zone
including the lines while doing so.