4. Each server shall serve for five points as in singles. At the end of each five points, the one who was
receiving becomes the server, and the partner of the previous server becomes the receiver. This
sequence shall continue until the end of the game or the score of 20 all. At 20 all, the sequence of
serving and receiving shall continue uninterrupted except that each player shall serve only one point
in turn and the serve will alternate after each point in turn and the serve will alternate after each point
until a pair is ahead by two points.
5. The server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return, the partner of
the server shall then make a good return. The partner of the receiver shall then make a good return,
the server shall then make a good return and thereafter each player alternately in that sequence shall
make a good return.
6. After each game the pairs shall change ends. The pair serving first in the previous game shall become
the first receivers in the next game and vice versa. Rule #3 (above) shall then be in effect.
Rules not covered above (such as: racquet specifications, volleying a return, and balls fractured in play)
shall be in accordance with the Laws of the International Table Tennis Federation as interpreted by the
United States Table Tennis Association.