RCF spa
M 18 Digital Mixer User’s Manual
Furthermore, consistent and error-free results have been obtained with premium, good-quality USB pens.
Several lower-quality devices can cause random errors due to their lower data transfer performance. USB
3.0 compatible storage devices are recommended, as these guarantee higher data throughput.
Due to filesystem limitations, the internal recorder can generate a file with maximum size of 4 GB,
corresponding to more than 3 hours of continuous recording. If this limit is exceeded, the recorder closes
the current file and creates another file with a minimal audio gap, without interrupting the recording
We have found on several USB devices, that it is recommended to have at least 50% free space on the USB
key; beyond this percentage, most USB keys show significant fragmentation and in this case glitches can
appear in the recorded files.
In case you need to reformat a USB pen for audio recording, please follow these guidelines:
Operating System
FORMAT settings
Windows (any)
File System = FAT32, Allocation Unit Size = Default
Mac OS X
Format = MS DOS (FAT32), Scheme = Master Boot Record