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P U M P S | W A T E R W O R K S | P L U M B I N G V A L V E S | G A S V A L V E S
A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.
Pump starts and stops without obvious use:
1. Small leaks in the system can cause this. Reduce Start Pressure by turning dial to a lower
pressure. Then adjust air pressure in tank (see #6 on page 7 of instruction manual).
2. Try alternate Flow Mode page 8 of instruction manual.
GREEN light on and pump will not start:
1. Start pressure dial set lower than incoming pressure. Adjust start pressure dial 10 – 15 psi less
than maximum boosted pressure as shown on pressure gauge, and push reset. Then adjust air
pressure in tank see #6 on page 7 of instruction manual.
Pump stops at a pressure higher than 80 psi.
1. This can happen if your incoming pressure is higher than the value in the table on page 3 of
instruction manual.
A Pressure reducing valve should be installed before the pump.
Pump will not start and no lights are on.
1. Make sure pump is plugged into control, and control is plugged into a GFCI circuit. Test wall
power receptacle with a light or multi-meter.
2. Test pump. Unplug power cord from control to pump. Temporally plug pump into
extension cord. If pump runs, unplug and go to step 3.
3. Unplug power cord from control to pump. Unplug gray transducer cord.
Turn Start Pressure dial to “0”. Plug in power cord to control. If the Green light
comes on, then replace the transducer. If no lights come on, replace the
control box.
If Pump Is Noisy:
1. Be sure the pump is mounted on a substantial foundation.
Pipe should be rigid and all connections tight.
2. Total suction lift or flow is beyond the pump capability and the pump is
starved for water.
Pump will not stay primed (Suction lift).
1. Check foot valve. Make sure it is clean and sufficiently submerged;
but is not in sand or mud.
2. Be sure pump is sufficiently primed.
3. Check for possible leaks in suction piping.
4. Total suction lift may be beyond the pump capability of 20 feet.
Water Pressure Booster System