From the Product list, select SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus 3.0.0; from the Category
list, select Enable/Disable.
For the policy you want to edit, click Edit.
For SiteAdvisor policy enforcement, deselect Enable .
Click Save.
To re-enable the software on all managed system, select the option, click Save, and apply
the policy.
Disabling and reenabling from the browser
Use this task to allow the SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus client software to be disabled on an
individual managed system from the SiteAdvisor menu. When disabled, policy settings are not
enforced, the site report cannot be displayed, and the SiteAdvisor menu button is gray.
Users can circumvent policy settings by using their browser’s Add-ons feature (accessed
on the Tools menu) to disable SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus. Detect this behavior by running the
Functional Compliance query, which reports the functional status of the client software on
managed systems.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Do one of the following:
• ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 — Go to Systems | Policy Catalog.
• ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 — Click Menu | Policy | Policy Catalog.
From the Product list, select SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus 3.0.0; from the Category
list, select Enable/Disable.
For the policy you want to edit, click Edit.
For SiteAdvisor menu option, selectEnable..
Select Only allow with password if a password is required. If you select this option,
type and confirm the password.
Click Save. Run an agent wake-up call to apply the setting immediately, or wait for the
next automatic agent-server communication.
From the SiteAdvisor menu in the browser, select Disable SiteAdvisor. To enable the
software again, select Enable SiteAdvisor from the SiteAdvisor menu. If a password is
required to perform this action, type the one specified in the policy setting.
Track events for reports
Use the Event Tracking policy to indicate which events to track for reports.
To track visits by a user to website domains either globally or locally in an intranet, select the
Domains option to track visits. The option in effect turns on or off the other tracking options in
the policy. The domain is the recognizable name of the Internet or local intranet network
resource that a server at a particular IP address serves up. A server or single IP address can
have several domains; for example,
• example.com
Configuring Policies
Track events for reports
McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus 3.0 Product Guide