Configuring the IPS Rules policy
Configure settings in this policy to define signatures, applications protection rules, and exceptions.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Click Menu | Policy | Policy Catalog and select Host Intrusion Prevention: IPS in
the Product list and IPS Rules in the Category list. The list of policies appears.
In the IPS Rules policy list, click Edit under Actions to change the settings for a custom
For editable policies, other options include: Rename, Duplicate, Delete, and Export.
For non-editable policies, options include View and Duplicate.
In the IPS Rulespage that appears, make any needed changes, then click Save. See
Configuring IPS signatures, Configuring IPS application protection rules, and Configuring
IPS exceptions for details.
Assigning multiple instances of the policy
Assigning one or more instances of the policy to a group or system in the ePolicy Orchestrator
System Tree provides for single policy multi-purpose protection.
The IPS Rules policy and the Trusted Applications policy are multiple-instance policies that can
have more than one instance assigned. A multiple-instance policy can be useful for an IIS
Server, for example, where you might apply a general default policy, a server policy, and an
IIS policy, the latter two configured to specifically target systems running as IIS servers. When
assigning multiple instances, you are assigning a union of all the elements in each instance of
the policy.
The McAfee Default policy for both IPS Rules and Trusted Applications are updated when
content is update. McAfee recommends that these two policies always be applied to make sure
protection as up to date as possible.
For the policies that have multiple instances, an Effective Policy link appears to provide a view
of the details of the combined policy instances.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Click Menu | Systems | System Tree and select a group in the System Tree.
For a single system, select a group in the System Tree that contains the system,
then on the Systems tab, select the system and select Actions | Agent | Modify Policies
on a Single System.
Under Assigned Policies, select Host Intrusion Prevention 8.0 : IPS/General in the
Product list, and for IPS Rules/Trusted Applications click Edit Assignments.
On the Policy Assignment page, click New Policy Instance, and select a policy from
the Assigned Polices list for the additional policy instance. To view the effective or
combined effect of multiple instance rule sets, click View Effective Policy.
Click Save to save all changes.
Configuring IPS Policies
Define IPS protection
McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 8.0 Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5