Resolution: Installations in clustered server environments now correctly set the ePolicy Orchestrator services to start
19. Issue: The managed system name is truncated to a length of 14 characters on the ePolicy Orchestrator console
“Systems” tab. (Reference: 410779)
Resolution: The column “DNS Name,” containing a “Fully Qualified Domain Name,” can now be selected as the managed
system name on the ePolicy Orchestrator console “Systems” tab.
20. Issue: The import policies process did not verify the ownership of the existing policies, which could result in policies
being overwritten by users other than the owner. (Reference: 410917)
Resolution: The import policies process now verifies the ownership of the existing policies and prevents policies from
being overwritten by users other than the owner.
21. Issue: Changes to existing policies were not recorded in the Audit Log. (Reference: 412589)
Resolution: Changes to existing policies are now recorded in the Audit Log.
22. Issue: The ePolicy Orchestrator Alerting extension, used by Rogue System Detection 2.0, was not localized. (Reference:
Resolution: The ePolicy Orchestrator Alerting extension is upgraded to a localized version, on ePolicy Orchestrator
servers with Rogue System Detection 2.0 installed.
23. Issue: The ePolicy Orchestrator server failed to respond if a corrupt package file was checked in. (Reference: 413466)
Resolution: The ePolicy Orchestrator server responds correctly when a corrupt package file is checked in.
24. Issue: Editing a client task could result in the error message “An Unexpected error occurred” being displayed in the
ePolicy Orchestrator console. (Reference: 413963)
Resolution: Editing client tasks no longer results in unexpected errors.
25. Issue: Client tasks, for managed product extensions that do not have a default policy, were not available for
configuration. (Reference: 415739)
Resolution: Client tasks, for managed product extensions that do not have a default policy, are now available for
26. Issue: An ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 upgrade stopped installing the included managed product extensions after the first
failure was discovered. (Reference: 415974)
Resolution: An ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 upgrade now attempts to install each of the included managed product
extensions, even if an error occurs during the installation of a previous managed product extension.
27. Issue: When the ePolicy Orchestrator server did not have a “Master Agent to Server Communication Key,” the ePolicy
Orchestrator 4.0 upgrade failed, leaving the ePolicy Orchestrator server in a non-functional state. (Reference: 419859)
Resolution: The ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 upgrade now verifies the ePolicy Orchestrator server has a “Master Agent to
Server Communication Key” before it starts the upgrade.
28. Issue: An updated version of the Host Intrusion Prevention 7.0 extension is available. (Reference: 422819)
Resolution: Version of the Host Intrusion Prevention 7.0 extension is installed during the ePolicy Orchestrator
4.0 upgrade.
29. Issue: The “delayload.log” file could grow without limit in the root (C:\) of the ePolicy Orchestrator server. (Reference:
Resolution: The “delayload.log” file is no longer used.
Note: The ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 upgrade process does not remove existing “delayload.log” files.