This troubleshooting guide has been provided to help you diagnose and solve most problems that you may encounter with your Sling
Shot RTR. Most problems encountered can be solved by carefully following the problem-cause-solution sections below. If you cannot
solve the problem using this troubleshooting guide, please feel free to contact us, using the Customer Service Information on page # 2.
1) Radio system does not operate
A) Transmitter batteries are low
A) Replace transmitter batteries
B) Transmitter batteries are installed incorrectly
B) Check that the polarity of the batteries is correct
C) NiMH battery is low
C) Recharge NiMH battery
D) NiMH battery connector is loose
D) Check that NiMH battery connector is plugged in
2) Operating range is short
A) Transmitter antenna is retracted
A) Extended transmitter antenna completely
B) Receiver antenna is cut or damaged
B) Return to Global Services for repair
C) Transmitter batteries are low
C) Replace transmitter batteries
D) NiMH battery is low
D) Recharge NiMH battery
3) While driving the boat, radio
A) NiMH battery connector is loose
A) Check that NiMH battery connector is plugged in
system operates erratically
B) Motor wiring and/or electronics are loose or damaged
B) Check and return to Global Services if necessary
C) Electronics are wet
C) Allow to dry, uncovered, for 24 hours
4) Boat always turns one way
A) Rudder is not centered
A) Adjust trim lever to center rudder
5) Boat does not "go"
A) Electronics are wet
A) Allow to dry, uncovered, for 24 hours
B) Electronics damaged
B) Return to Global Services for repair
C) NiMH battery connector is loose
C) Check that NiMH battery connector is plugged in
6) NiMH battery will not charge
A) Battery not plugged into charger properly
A) Plug battery into charger securely
B) 110V AC outlet is not functioning
B) Try a different 110V AC outlet
7) Boat vibrates excessively
A) Propeller is damaged
A) Replace propeller
MBP stocks the most popular replacement parts for your Sling Shot RTR. Listed below are the replacement parts that are available
along with their respective part numbers for easy ordering convenience.
We suggest ordering directly from your local MBP or Global dealer. If your local dealer does
not stock MBP or Global products, you can order directly from us, using the Customer Service Information on page # 2
Canopy w/Rubber Hatch
Drive Shaft w/Coupler
Motor Controller
Motor Mount
110V AC Charger
NiMH Battery