8.9.4 Weight
From this screen you can set your body weight by choosing a value be-
tween 50 and 150 kg. Setting this data is not necessary for the proper
functioning of the eBike. The value has the sole purpose of making the
calculation of calories consumed reliable.
Use the up and down keys to scroll through the available items. The se-
lected value is highlighted in the center in the white line. (Figure 4.9)
8.9.5 Gender
From this screen you can set your gender. Setting this data is not neces-
sary for the proper functioning of the eBike. The value has the sole pur-
pose of making the calculation of calories consumed reliable.
Use the up and down keys to scroll through the available items. The se-
lected value is highlighted in the center in the white line. (Figure 4.10)
In the event of an anomaly, the system reports the problem to the user by displaying a danger icon combined with a
4-character code, which allows you to trace the type of error.
Depending on the type of anomaly, the system may prevent the engine from activating or make it run at reduced power.
Where it is indicated "to request assistance", the intervention of a specialized technician OLI bike Systems is necessary.
FIG. 4.9
FIG. 4.10