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MEG010XN102-A11 (ENG)
Clinical Guide
Target population
The device is intended for a population over 5 years of age, which can be female or male. It
should be noted that pelvic floor rehabilitation is particularly indicated for post-partum women.
Expected clinical benefits
Today, based on European and French recommendations as well as on the results of studies
conducted by health specialists, the device makes it possible to propose pre-established and
specific programmes for pathologies requiring physiotherapeutic or midwifery care.
The therapeutic uses are :
1- Management of urinary incontinence: stress, urge and mixed incontinence, and
bladder inhibition.
2- Management of anal incontinence.
3- Management of contractures and prolapses: muscle strengthening and relaxation
4- Pain management: analgesic treatments.
5- Management of genitosexual disorders: specific muscle strengthening treatments
Major contraindications
This appliance
must not be used
in the following cases:
Pregnancy in progress
Presence of a pace maker
Presence of cardiac arrhythmia
Presence of a bladder stimulator
Perineal hypoesthesia
Urinary and vaginal infections
Recent abdominal surgery
Intrapelvic tumours
Do not apply to the carotid sinus
The contraindications are not exhaustive and we advise the
user to seek advice in case of doubt.
Side effects
To date, the medical literature does not mention any significant side effects of electrotherapy.
Maintenance, servicing
The device is designed to last for 5 years.