J94S.book Page 4 Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Driving Y our M azda
Starting and Driving
(A u to m atic tra n s a x le )
P ut the vehicle in park (P). If you m ust
re start the engine w hile the vehicle is
m oving, shift into neutral (N).
5. Turn the ignition sw itch to the START
position and h old (up to 10 seconds at a
tim e) until the engine starts.
D o n ’t try the starter for m ore than 10
seconds at a tim e. If the engine stalls or
fails to start, w ait 10 seconds before
trying again. O therw ise, you m ay
d am age the starter and drain the
6. A fter starting the engine, let it idle for
about 10 seconds.
• In extrem ely cold w eather, below
-1 8 ° C (0°F), o r after the vehicle has
stood idle several days, let the
e ngine w arm up w ithout operating
the accelerator.
• W h eth er cold or w arm , the engine
should b e started w ithout u se o f the
Brake System
▼ Foot Brake
Your M azda has pow er-assisted brakes
that adjust autom atically through norm al
Should pow er-assist fail, you can stop by
applying greater force than n orm al to the
b rake pedal. B ut the d istance required to
stop w ill be greater than usual.
D riving with the E ngine Off:
C on tin u in g to drive w hen the engine
is stalled o r tu rn ed o ff is dangerou s.
B rakin g w ill require m ore effort, a n d
the b ra k e ’s p o w e r-a ssist c ou ld be
d ep leted i f y o u p u m p the brake. This
w ill cause lo n g er stoppin g d istances
o r even an acciden t. D o n ’t contin ue
d rivin g w hen the engine is sta lled or
tu rn ed off, f in d a safe p la ce to stop.
R idin g the Brakes:
D rivin g w ith y o u r f o o t contin uou sly
on the brake p e d a l o r steadily
a p plyin g the brakes f o r long d istan ces
is dangerou s. This causes overh eated
brakes, resu ltin g in lo n g er stoppin g
d istan ces o r even to ta l brake fa ilu re.
This cou ld cau se loss o f vehicle
co n tro l a n d a seriou s acciden t. A void
con tin u ou s application o f the brakes.
S h ift to a low er g e a r w h en g o in g
dow n steep hills.
Form No. 8Q50-EA-01G
Содержание MX-6
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