Mazda 323F Скачать руководство пользователя страница 43


Modifying the  cQmponents  or wiring 

of the supplemental re�·trajnt .�ystem is 
dangerous.  YOII  could  accidelltolly 

actil'Ole it or make it inoperable. Don 


make any modijicationI to the Hipple­
mental re.vtrainl s)'slem. This ineludes 
installing  trim,  hUllge.I·,  or  anything 

dse OVEr tile air bag �·toraKe areas.  It 


jncludes  installing extra electric 

equipment  on  or 


�ystem  compo­

nents or wiring. 


Attaching all  object to an air bag sto[­

agf area or pladng olle infront of it is 
dangerous. In an  accident, the object 
could inter Jere  with air bag  inflation 
or injure  tile  occupants.  Always  keep 

the  air  bag  storage  areas  free  of 


Knowing Your 




a rollision: 

If YOllr Mazda  was  ill  a c:olli�'ion  not 
strong ('rwugll io  inflate  the air bags, 

parts  on  which  the  sensors  are 

mounted may  be  di�·torled,  and  wilh· 

Ollt repairs tlte systl'lII l11ay not operate 
when Ilccys.mry 

Hape  an  Authorized  Mazda  Dealer 
makc a IIery  careful illspection of ti,e 


Содержание 323F

Страница 1: ...8134 Form No 8134EI 9SH 1995 Mazda Motor Corporation Printed In Japan 96 06...

Страница 2: ...ionals 15 dedicated 10 providing you with the bc t possible service W e as urc you thai all orus at Mazda have an ongoing interest in your mOloring plea sure and in your full satisfaction with your Ma...

Страница 3: ...ns a len hand drive model it also ap plies to right hand drive models Index A good place to start is the Index an alphabclical lisling ofall infomlation in your manual Sections This manual has nine se...

Страница 4: ...iD Imoo 111 1J F TF r IIA m RUr sr IIII CD e UR R SV lb l Vf TIl TIO FAr AIR RI ClR 1 Ll r1O 1 CUD DTrRosn IG IIF I 110 1 001 nr RlOSTI lG I lI I IK I 11 Jl 00 RKI IIOfn _f GI F OOI AI lb wUI TI RE Q...

Страница 5: ...I Table ofContents at 1 I Knowing Your Mazda I rotecting Your Mazda Driving Your Mazda Appearance Care Maintenance Customer Information Indcx...

Страница 6: ...any cOl1lrols ocks graphic symbols mechanisms and comjorl ap poin mell Ihll need 10 be underSIQO orprop_ er operatioll Sec ion illlIslraln Ihis information 0Jamil iari e 014 Wilh hal fl Cl r to be kno...

Страница 7: ...cle at a Glance Interior Overview Lefl hand drh C model Seat bell page 2 19 Power window mastncO ltrol rage 2 8 1 2 HQr l pagl 2 32 D yll h mirror pilgc 2 34 z 7 rrl mirror p gc4 5 page 4 31 Olo c 00...

Страница 8: ...Right hulld drive model Vanit page 4 5 I box page 4 33 Your Vehicle at a Glance Scat beh p lgc2 19 Power w m comro page 2 8 1 3...

Страница 9: ...Your Vehicle al a Glance Dashboard Overview Ldl hand drive model RIg light Side oo I li pagc2 12 1 4 SOmt l1w I release lever page 2 I Illumination rontr ll r clN tor Ic cr shift Ic er pagc 4 6 4 5...

Страница 10: ...Righi hand drhc model ClimalC coolrol I J6 Side 4 IlItlmilialion pa e 4 32 I lever page 4 6 4 5 Parting brake lo1ge 4 5 re1ea c le er 2 11 Your V hicle at a Glance n lcase page 2 12 Some models 1 5...

Страница 11: ...ront LeO hand dri model Drh r s sidt OU1side nHJTOr pag 2 _U Door handle 1 6 ro er mdow I ches page 2 8 Door lock Front Right hand dri c model Driver s side OU1S k minor page 2 3 Door handle Door lock...

Страница 12: ...nd IIri c modd Passcngcr s idc Door handle PO CI WlI dow SWitch pagc 2 8 Your Vehicle at a Glance Front Right hand drhc model W3 cngcr s sidc Door halldle Po er wmdow s itch po 2 11 Outs m rror page 2...

Страница 13: ...Y our Vehicle at a Glance Rear Door lock Door handle Power indo SWiICh pagl 2 1I 1 8 Sornl IlIlxkb Child safl ly lock page 2 1 Luggage Comp rlmenl handle...

Страница 14: ...Your Vehicle at a Glance S door model 1 9...

Страница 15: ...ef ill porrom II couldsomeday I en sore your llje Keys Door Locks Power Windows Trunk Lid Hatch H90d Release Fuel Filler Lid Fuel Filler C lP Front Scats Rear Seat Seal Belt System Supplemental Restra...

Страница 16: ...sct detach this plate and store it in a safe place not in the vehic1c for lISC if you need to make a replacement key Also write down Ihe code number and keep it in another are and handy place but not...

Страница 17: ...ey push the door lock and hold the door handle up Either front door can be locked or un while dusing the door locked with a key Turn the key IUward the fronllO unlock IOward the back 10 lock Lift the...

Страница 18: ...e ignition key close all windows and lock all doors when Icaving your vchiclc unatle dcd nus di courages intruders and IIHCVCS 2 4 fl l A1 Inside Door Lock To lock any door push the door lock To unloc...

Страница 19: ...i drtll alld animals wilh yOIl or I e a respollsi hip persoll with them Ill wt weather lempertllflreS iI side a parked ehicle call become lIigll ellllllgh to cau e brai damage or even dcath Pu cr Door...

Страница 20: ...try S stem nlis y tcm locks and unlocks all doors Direct the bcam lOwards the receiver Press the appropriate bunon on the transmitter fOT locking and unlockmg NOTE The keyless entry system will oper a...

Страница 21: ...less entry system consult In Authorized Maz da Dealer Ifyour transmitter is lost or stolen visit an Authorilcd Mazda Dealer as soon as pos sible for a replacemcnt and to make the old transmiller inope...

Страница 22: ...position It will dose when the switJ h i pullcd finnly To stup the wllldow punway pull uponthe switch ifit s opening prc s it ifit dosing WARNING GfI I m Power U d Clo I ing power wi r o call he dUll...

Страница 23: ...d damaging the power window sy tcm don t open orclo c more than twowin dows at once it WARNING Children and rawer Windows Allowing cllildren to play with power windows can he dangerous So we highly re...

Страница 24: ...clockwise To close use both hands 0push he li V hatch down until the lock snaps shut Don slam it Then pull up on it to make sure iI s se cure WARNING OPfmlrllnk idJl atch An open trunk lid hatch in a...

Страница 25: ...ations you may want oprcvcnt the trunk from being opened with the re mote tnmk release lever Give your key only to someone you trust Knowing Your Mazda Tosecure the trunk lid IOLk the rear scat backs...

Страница 26: ...Release Snfcly cmch O U J I l t SllPI rl md l Pull the release handle to unlock the 2 PullupthcsafclycatcIJulldlifuhehood 3 Usc the suppon rod to hold the hood hood open 2 12 Before closing the hood s...

Страница 27: ...JUU d I t Check out 1 place an t HI 1 rillcrcapsare m ccrtam al I h vc been removed II loose Items a a t Close the hood so that it locks secure y Knowing Your Mazda Fuel Filler Lid r J Q J ncr lid re...

Страница 28: ...metimes builds up in the uel tank 1 II s tappem and tile fuel cap is remo edqu ckly jllel can spray out Fllel call bllm skill antI eyes and cause ill1ft n when ingested To pre oilanyu this rom happen...

Страница 29: ...l forward or oackwurd raise the lever and slide the scat WARNING Driver s SeatAdJustment Ad justing the dril er s seat while the l ehiclf ismovingcouldcausetiledriv erIf losecontroloflhe vchicle Ad ju...

Страница 30: ...ld IIpn IIt 2 16 lIead Restraint I eight Adjustment To raise a head restramt pulll lip Ttl lower press the stop catch release and push the head restraint down Adju aheadrestrain so ha hetopparal lels...

Страница 31: ...the rear of the scat lean for ward then squeeze and lift the release lever To lower the rear of the scat squeeze and lower the release lever Knowing Your Mazda Rear Scat Lh WARNING StackillJ MJ Q Sta...

Страница 32: ...gagccampart 1 men it WARNING Ellldiur B r arS HLDl ll Push the button and fold the seat back The folding rear seat cannot be un t forward Be careful that the scat belt latchedfrom inside lire trtlnkfl...

Страница 33: ...h inertia loeb that keep them oul of the way when not in use The locks allow the belts to fC main comfortable on users butthey ll lock in position during a collision nlC fCaT scat ha lap shoulder belt...

Страница 34: ...el er lise aile BELTS professional inspecl all seat belt sys belt for more than olle person at a lems ill use durinX an auidellt before time r j they are used again Se J1 Belt Warning LightlUeep Ifthc...

Страница 35: ...f oJ prolel litm ill all acci dell I increases he chalice a inJu ry Make sure IIII shoulder portion of the seal belt is po iJjo ed across JOllr short der lIear Jour uk not on yOllr neck or IIpper arm...

Страница 36: ...0 the desired position and then release 11 Make surc the adjuster i locked it WARNING eo itioningIIII IWIIMer ortiml of the eaf lelt Failure to position tIle shoulder por lion oftIlt lieat belt pruper...

Страница 37: ...the buckle NOTE If a belt docs not fully retract mspect it for kmks and twists Knowing Your M1I7 da WARNING POl a it S II mlrJ f l miQU Q the Seal Bell Failure to POSiriOIl tile sllOlIlder por lion of...

Страница 38: ...Oil the abdominal area causing serious illjury near Ihe lap portio of the belt stlugly alld as low as possible 2 24 L lp belt To fasten l Pull the tongue 10 Ihe dc ircd lcngth 2 in en it mtH the bud I...

Страница 39: ...njury W earthe op beltsnugly and as low as possible Pregnant Vornell Pregnant women should wear scat belt as sembliesas recommended by their doctors The lap belt should be worn SNUGLY AND AS LOW AS PO...

Страница 40: ...edouto position andre t WARNING kindl o j accidents such jde Sill in your child being seriously in impact rear impact or roll Oller only jllred Don lise childrestraints which seat belts can protect OC...

Страница 41: ...stic mO l I SAS unit System Description The supplemental restraint system hastwo basic subsystems 1 The air bag system with intlalOrand air bllg 2 The cicctric system with crash sensors and diagnostic...

Страница 42: ...ont end impact you will hear a loud inOalion noise and some smoke will be released Neither will cause injury and the smoke docsn t indicate a fire Theairbag will function only once After that the air...

Страница 43: ...nents or wiring A WARNING t1ir l1 u Storqge Area Attaching all objectto an air bag sto agf area orpladng olle infronto fitis dangerous In an accident the object could inter Jere with air bag inflation...

Страница 44: ...on Of after the engine is cranked Afterabollt 6 secilildsit g lC out A system malfunction IS indicated when thislight con tantly flashesor stays 011 or if it doesn tcome onat 111 If one of these happ...

Страница 45: system is m l1ntenance frce But ifany ofthefollow ing occurs take your vehicle to an Autho rized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible Warning light nashes Waming light stays on Warning light stays off...

Страница 46: ...idown l UII IIcry casily ctlll e Ihedrillertoabruptly111m to Ille lefl or right Tllis call featl 0 IfJs IIf COl lrol or an aedt fml Nerer adjusl tile l i lt wheel while Ihe vehicle ismov ing 2 32 Horn...

Страница 47: ...shoultlerorto check your inside mirror before changing lanes Manual control mirror To adjust move the mirror s control lever just inside the door n I k Peri meter s itch Power control mirror Theigniti...

Страница 48: ...d by hand when thc sunroof is closed The sunshade opens automatically whcn the sunroof is o X ned but must be closed by hand 2 36 Lt CAUTION The sunshade doesn t tilt To avoid damaging the sunshade do...

Страница 49: ...iver s door is unlocked Come on when a d x r jl opened and goes OUI about 15 seconds after the door h closed Comes on forabout 15 seconds af ter the ignition key is reTlloved The light goc oul if lhe...

Страница 50: ...he trunk light is on when the lid IS open Luggage Compartment Cover and orf when it closed 2 38 Toreath the luggagecompartment U C the straps to lift up the compartmcnt toyer This cover call be remove...

Страница 51: ...oFF Light off ON Light on when hatch is open Roof Carrier Conm Ctors R I I n TIC TIle built in conncclor Ire for mounting a roof carrier designed specificallyfor your vehicle For detailsabout this ca...

Страница 52: ...llet and 01 usm moreI u d than YOII nel d Seclion nplaim ho 1 0 do Illis FUr her il di clIsscsproperloodi S Upd11m fOrespondro unusual finl ing condi ton I II also illus mles where d IW lubell may be...

Страница 53: 3 2 L CAUTlON NEVER USE LEADED FUEL I is harmful to the catalytic converter The leadwill accumulateon the oxygen sensor and the catalyst inside the COIl verter This will resull in a 1l1lllfUllc ion...

Страница 54: ...r hms injury or death Sf don park 11th ol er or near Uli ll i lRflammable noo L itCAUTION Ignoring the follO ing precautions could cause lead 1 0 arrurllul ltc nn the catalY t inside the converter or...

Страница 55: ...ped for 10llg in a vpe area wit the Conrill lcd 3 4 ellgine rulllling adjust the heatillt or coo ingsystem todrawair m ide Snow u der a vehicle that is slopped wilh lhe ellgine running COli trap exhau...

Страница 56: tion switch is in the ON II poSition 0 Release the p lrkmg brake and make sure the brake warning light goc off Always be thoroughly familiar with your Malda Break rn Period Nospecial break in is nc...

Страница 57: ...gnment Keep windows closed at high speeds Slow down when driving m crosswinds l1ll 1 he ldwind 6 WARNING C la in l Turning o fflhe ellXine lo eOlul llown II hill Clm be lllllixerom l hi lllm Ihe fuss...

Страница 58: ...the vehicle to free it from snow sand ormud depress the accelerator lightly and With automatic transaxle genlly move the selector lever back and forth from D to R With manual transax lc gently move t...

Страница 59: ...fOfwasher fluid page 7 19 3 8 Don t usc the parking brake if it might SIIO tires freeze Instead shift 10 park with an au tomatic trallsaxlc and to first or reverse Use snow tires on all four wheels w...

Страница 60: ...nstruc tIons First remove the wheel covers orthechain bands will scratch them Securethechamsonthe frOn tiresastight ly as possible retighten them aflcrdriving 1 2 kilometer 1 4 112 mile Don tusc chain...

Страница 61: ...e wheelrims Drive through water slowly and allow for exIra toppingdisl lncc bccau wet brakcs don t grip well After driving in water dry the brakes by gcntly applying them veral timcs while moving slow...

Страница 62: ...I rotcering Y our 1a7 la 2 0 lilcr cngirn 3 11...

Страница 63: ...c ed aUlliQ system Ignition S it h Pl lIions Sranmg the Engine Manual Transa 1 Operation Automatic Trans l I lc Brake S M JIl Po tet ring nwumcnt Cluster Gauge Dashboard Illumination Wnmmg LightSfBccp...

Страница 64: ...omeclcc tricalllccessoricswilloperatc LOCK O Thesleeringwheellocks to protectagainst theft Only in Ihis position canthe key be removed Automatic transaxle Whcn tllrning the ignilion wileh 1tl the LOCK...

Страница 65: ...e is on 3 Manual Transaxle Dcprcss the dutch pedal all the way and shift 1010 neut Keep the pedal depressed while crank ing Ihe engine Automatic Transaxit Place the se lectorlever in P If you must res...

Страница 66: ...4 3 Iftheengincf ailstostan crankit with out using the accelerator for up to 1 0 seconds 4 If it still fails tostan go through steps I 2 and 3 again When Ihe engine is warnl The aoove procedure shoul...

Страница 67: ...prevents accidental shift ngfrom 5 to R The shift lever must be put In neutral before being hiflcd 10 R NOTE Make sure the vehicle is stopped be forc shif t ing 0 R If shifting into reversc is difficu...

Страница 68: ...s selector lever position W th the bra pedal depresscd IlIlft lIile holdIng in thelock rclcalc bunon Tllc Ignition SWItch muSI in 0 1 II lU illlon Shift while holding in the lock relea c 001100 Shift...

Страница 69: ...g iu the loc IdeaS bullOIl The IgntllOfl SWIKh must be In ON II position Shift while holding in the lock release button Shift wtthout holdmg in the bullon Drh ing Your Mazda Lock rel tlse bullon T o p...

Страница 70: ...calise a accidctll Do t lise P ill place o theparking hrake 4 8 L1 CAUTION Shifring Into PorR while the vehicle i moving can d lIlmge your trnn axle Shifting into a driving gear or re verse when the e...

Страница 71: ...ond Thc S position IS helpful whendriving1Il slow movingtraffic and whenclimbinga hill L Low Use the L IXl ition hcn pulling heavy loads and climbingstcep gradc Shift patterns Iithoul hold mode 0 1st...

Страница 72: ...prevent them from overhellting 4 10 Hold Mode The hold mc xlc SlOpS the aulOmatie speed change operation and has three IXlsitions third D second S and first l lIold operation Use lhe hold mooe when sl...

Страница 73: ...96km 60mph inthis posilion I1 L Low The transaxle is held in first Don l drive fasterthan 56 km 35 mph inthis position Shift up patterns with hold mode on O liold 3rd momentary lst 2nd fOT standing st...

Страница 74: ...hift lock which prevents shifting oul of P unless the brake pedal is de pressed To shift from P I Depress and hold the brake pedal 2 Tum on the ignition 3 Push and hold Ihe lock release bunon 4 Move t...

Страница 75: ...shift lock override cover with a scrc vdrivcr 2 Insen thescrewdr iverand push the lever down J Push and hold the lock release button 4 Move the selector lever Driving YourMazda Brake System Foot Brak...

Страница 76: to ow down atthe usual rate andillpulling to Olle side whell the brake are appli ed Ughtbrakillg willindicate whether they luU e been a f f ected To flry the brakes apply IIll1m liglltly while dn n...

Страница 77: ...ndle to the release po itionwhile holdingthebutton in Rc le lsc the pedal whcn 11 afc In do o cl Lt CAUTION Driving wIth thc parking brake on will CilU iC cxcc o sive wear of the brake lin ings or pad...

Страница 78: ...oon nay be lunger on Braking dllliances loose surfaccs sno cxamplc which IISl foundation A lIehic brakingsystem may tanec to slap undcr because the lirc wedge of surf lec wheels skul w or gravel for...

Страница 79: ...ccring pten1 hcCOllles lIlopcr ltive you 111 til1 tecr but II will rcquire Tllore ef tort II U tllld leering hard in nannal driving n ult an Autlillrized Mazda Dealer LtCAUTION C crhold the tecringwhe...

Страница 80: ...Driving YOUl Maula Instrumcnt Ciustci Tum sigfJ lI indicator Tum ign 1 mdlcalor Low fuel laming light SpeooomCler Warning anti 1II JI mot liShls Trip ICier rc l buuo Hold mdi llor Trip Illf ter 4 18...

Страница 81: ...u e it for checking fuel con umption WaterTemperature Gauge This gauge shows the temperature of the cngine coolant Ifthe needle exceeds nomlal range tOWltrlJ 1 1 it int1icale overheating CAUTION Drivi...

Страница 82: ...ignition switch IS at ACC I or ON ll with the engine off This is nonnal and will not affectaccuracy once theengine is runni ng 4 20 SoUl moods All other cngine trnn5tlxlc combinations LhCAUTION Don t...

Страница 83: ...It goes off when the brJke fully released Low brake fluid le cl urning Iflhe light stays on after Ihe parking brake i fully released you may h lve a brake problem If it stays on I He sure the parkmg b...

Страница 84: ...n ul1Iil the belt i buckled If the sy tclII docs not operatc correctl con ult an Authorized Mazda Dealer 4 22 Charging System arning Light 1f 11 E1I cept 2 0 liter engine C P E ThIS warning shnw a lIl...

Страница 85: ...n when only aoout 8 liters 2 1 US gal 1 8 Imp gal remain Get fuel as soon as possible Door Ajar Warning Light TIli warning lightcomeson when the igni tionswitch isin the ON I posililm md not all doors...

Страница 86: ponmg the system s condition But iflhe light isout and a malfunctionoc curs a series of beeps will be heart 4 24 Some models This also signals need for servicing Con sult an Authorized Mazda Deale...

Страница 87: ...r lii lightcome on when the rear window Icfro tcr i 011 Fog Lights Indicator Ught rni ligl1lcomeson when the fog lights are operating Hold Jndicator Light A1Itomatic Transaxle This light comeson hen...

Страница 88: ...s on while the en gine is off 4 26 Ihgh Ix ams o T Headlight high low beam Push theleverforwartl f lrhigh beam Pull It back for low The high beam indicator lighton the dash board is blue T f lashing t...

Страница 89: ...Lane change signals Move thc Icver slightly toward the direc tion of tllC change until the indicator flashes and hold it t here It will return to Ihe off position when released NOTE If an indicalOr Ji...

Страница 90: ...n Turn the wipers on by pulling the lever down tNT I 2 4 28 Intemlittent Nomlal Fa t So 1 odds_ TrillS Variablc speed intcrmittent nipcrs One touch wipers Sct theleveratINT linddl X e the interval For...

Страница 91: ...Authorized Maz da 11 1 Dealeras soon as possible Windshield Washer The ignition must be on Pull the levcr toward you and hold it to spray washerfluid IntheOFForINTposi tion the wipers will be activate...

Страница 92: ...he wiper comes onauto mallcally After the knob i1 released the wiper wipes 2 limes and SlopS jlrr OTE There are IwO washer position5 on the switch up and down Either CIIII be used If the washer docsn...

Страница 93: ...switch nlll t be in the ACql or ON II position RESET Pre the RESET blltton to clear minutcs Thc clock will be set 011 the 11OUf If the RESET button is prcs d from 9 01 to 9 29 for example the lime wi...

Страница 94: ...oop erate 4 32 6CAUTION Don t hold the lighter in because it will overheat Don usc the lightersockctforplug in accessories such as shavers and coffee pots They may damage It or cau c elcctrical failur...

Страница 95: ...y for trash Y u I Ollght laO a fire Id Glove Box zK O l C OC ___ LOC To open the glove box_ pulI the latch to ward YOll Thc doorhas a lock in co the key and turn 11 cI X kwlse to lock counterclockwise...

Страница 96: ...s Driver s Side Toopenthe storage compartment pull the rcle l c lever 4 34 Some mOOch Passenger s Side To opcn the storage compartlllcnl pu h the r elease lever Center Comole Pull the lock lever and l...

Страница 97: ...Sunviwrs henyou need a unvisor lower it foruse 1 1 tront or wing it to the sIde V anity Mirror Touse the vanily mirror lowcrthc sunvisor on the pa scngcr side Driving Your Mazda 4 35...

Страница 98: ...Driving Your Mazda Climate Control Features Air swi h Tcmpermurc Icvcr Fan switch 4 36 Some models...

Страница 99: ...cralure of Ihe air coming Ihrough Ihe system by sliding the levereilhertlJ Ihe righl for hoi or 10 Ihe left for cold Air Intake Selector This c1cclor cOnlrol the Ollrce of ur UndernOnllal contlil i lI...

Страница 100: ...rcufaledA i rPo siliouj U ing Ihe recirculated air pusitiuu wi thollt operating the air condi tioner will cause theglass t gup Y our vi sion will be hampered witch could leadto aseriousaccident Tllrn...

Страница 101: ...ralUrc lever I Cl Io thcextreme left or right position Floor position Mo of the air is delivered to the noor a small amount is delivcrell to the wind shield facc s and side vents Dri ing Your Milah Fl...

Страница 102: ...rconditioner on Anindicator light olliheswitehwillil luminatewhenthefan switchison Push theswitchonceagain to turnthe air conditioneroff OperatingTips for Ai oo di i r Systcm Ifthe vehiclehasbeen park...

Страница 103: ...scic or at the outsidc llr position indicator light 011 3 Set the temperature lever to the desired posnion 4 Set the fan switch to the desired specd Ikj jng Your lll lda 0 0 o I I I L IW IIIJ I 6 Hea...

Страница 104: ...ver tomaintain max imum comfort The 31r lo Ihe floor I wamlcrlhan airtothe faee s exceptwhen the temperalure lever is el al the extreme left or right position Cooling 1 St lrt the engine Pushh i t h I...

Страница 105: ...he floor IS w nncrthan alr to the facc s cxccpt when Iht temperature lever tS sct at the extreme lefl or right position Drivinj l Y our MULdu itCAUTION When using the air onditioncr while driving up l...

Страница 106: ...aling is desired tum on Ihe air conditioner NOTE For ma irnum defrosting sci the temperature lever to the extreme right position and the fan switch to the position 4 IfwarnI uiTis desired atfloor set...

Страница 107: ...ul ide air position J St3rt lhc engine Tum on the air condi 10 ioner 4 Scl t the desired airfiow llnd fan speed poslIlOn NOTE Clear all snow and icc from the hood and the air inlet in the cowling gril...

Страница 108: ...haracteristics An FM broadcast range is u ually about 40 50 km 25 30 miles from the source Ilec mse of extra coding needed to break the sound into two channels stereo FM has even less range than monau...

Страница 109: ...encountered when in dOM pro o im ll 10 thl lransmiUcr S FluttcrlSkip noise Signal from an FM Iran Ill Her movc in traight lines and become weak in valleys belweenlallbuildings mountnins andoth er obs...

Страница 110: ...stmg at similar fn qucncics the original station may be tern porarily lost and he second station picked up At this time there will be WIllC nni1 C from Ihls disturbancc Operating Tips To prevcnt Ihe b...

Страница 111: ...with Cassette Tape Player 1If1 1 H cr Bass Balance Dolh KR ClIanncl IS TJeblC F kr Automatic program control Driving Your Mllzd TAPE play Rr jnu Fast forv ard TAPE Manualls hilling AUla memory Some mo...

Страница 112: ...switch i turned ofr The manLlal antenamllstbe raisedmullow ercd by hand 4 50 Sorn models ON OFF Radio Operation Radio ON OFF The ignition switch must be at ACC I Of ON II for the radio 10 operatc To...

Страница 113: the treble knob to make it pop out Thell urn ifclockwise to IncrcasehIgher pitched lones eounlcrc1ockwi to decrease thcm Drh ing Your Mazda BaS control Toadju t the owcrtonlll qualities push the ba...

Страница 114: ...the left spel kcrs clockwi C to shift ound 10 the right speakers 4 52 Fronl Rear Y ader control To adjust the sound distribution between the front md rear speakers push the treble control button to ma...

Страница 115: ...uttons and when desJr d 513 IlVIlSarc 1 00 di tant OTE fthe power supply is intclTUptcd fusc blows or the battery is disconnected thepreset channels will be canceled I AM I Y Band selector Press AM to...

Страница 116: ...ext receivable higher or lower frequency 4 54 f Scan luning Press SCAN to automatically scan the fre quencies from lowest to highest Scanning stops ateach receivuble stationforabout5 seconds To hold a...

Страница 117: ...nal AM I M statIOnscan be memorized by the audio unit without dis turbing the previously set channels Press and hold AUTO M for about 2 comb Ihe yslem will beep and automati cally scan and temporarily...

Страница 118: ...Tf 1 Ic I C Tape hl 11011 m hcalon I When the upper triangle i lil the top half oflhe tape is being played Whenthe lower one is lit the bottom half is being played NOTE When metal or chromc equivalen...

Страница 119: ...lOp St3rt EO Start Stop Y fast forwardlRewind Tofast forward the tape press FE To stop thIs operation and play the tape press REW ToreWllldthetape press REW ToSlOpthis operation and play the tape pres...

Страница 120: ...ining only speech To change tape playing airccuon present or of the next program REW and FF simullancou ly nle APC circuH senses silent portions bc When the upper triangle i Ill the to I ccn pmgr4Ulls...

Страница 121: ...any lack Usc only tapes that play no longer hill1 45 minutes on one track Tapes that play longer arc thin and may break Lcave aca o seHe inthe playeronly when it s playing Remove it completely whenit...

Страница 122: j ormation OIl WIIOdo flire ellgi11 Ol rhcurs rfyou hare flat ire J ul i ftire ballcry is dis charged uu ill ulsofindoul what 0 do ifyou m ronl a problem i Ihe elec rical system and there s s me g...

Страница 123: ...l once 5 2 NOTE 111e tum signals dOll work when the hazard warning lights are on Check local regulations about the lise of haz lrd warning lights while the vehicle is being towed 111ey may forbid It O...

Страница 124: ...oolant level fit s low look for Jeaks in thc radiator ho cs and connections healer ho cs and connec tions radiator and water pump If you find a leakorotherdamage or ifcoolant is still leaking stop the...

Страница 125: ...with 11 24 volt pow er supply two l 2 volt bJltcries in se ries or n 24 011 motor generator let 5 4 WARNING BaUe n Related t xplotion HydrllN Nasisproduced during nor mal battery operation A battery r...

Страница 126: ...ster battery then the other end to a solid stationary exposed metallic point for example the Slrut mounting boll away from the discharged battery 5 Slar the engine of the booster vehicle and run it a...

Страница 127: ...hicles tocollide Tlu n fure ncv crlow u vehicle to I tart il 5 6 Fu t s s Normat HIO lon Muin L ruse U IOW l Your vchicle s electrical system is pro Fuse Replacement tected by fuses If uny lights acce...

Страница 128: ...It CAUTION Always replace a fuse with one of the same rating Otherwise you may dam llge Ihe clet tric system In Case of Emergency Ifthe headlight orolhcrelectricalcompo nenls don t work and the fu s m...

Страница 129: ...ake sure the ignition is off 2 Rcmove the negative battery tcnninnl 3 Rcmove nuts A 4 Lift the fuse block and remove bolts B 5 Replace the fuse with a new one orthe same rating 6 Install in the reven...

Страница 130: ......

Страница 131: ...In Case of Emergency DESCRII TION USE COLOR I HOTECTEI HATING CUl ll ONENT 12 FOG 20A Yellow Fog light 11 ST SIGN lOA ro Starter 5 10 Some models...

Страница 132: ...II 12 1 1 ENGINE lOA 14 WIPER 20A 15 P WIND JOA 16 TAIL lOA 17 18 RADIO ISA 19 TURN lOA 20 COLOR Blue Blul Blue Green R d Rl d Yellow R d R d Ydlo Green R d Bluc R d In Case orEmergency l KOTECTEIJ C...

Страница 133: ...SE COLOR I KOTECTEU COI Il OI t T KA JII G 21 STOI 1 A Blue Brakeftaillighl 22 23 CIGAR 1 5 _ _ Hlu CigaH 1Icllghll r 251 D L X K lA G rn Pow rdoor locl 26 27 SPARE lOA Red r SPARE 1 15 Blu 29 HEATER...

Страница 134: ...vehicle should have its from wheels offlhc ground Ifexcessive damage or other conditions prevent this usc wheel dollies When lowing with the re lT wheels on the groUflll release the parking brake CAUT...

Страница 135: ...t for the brakcl lind steering will not be aV III able when the engmc is not running 5 14 If speed mu t exceed 56 krn h 35 mph or a towing distance of80 km 50 miles use one of these methods Place the...

Страница 136: ...In Case of Emergency Towing hook Rear S Door model Towing hooks Front 4 Door model Tov ina hook Rear I Door model 5 15...

Страница 137: ...In Case ofEmergcncy Flat Tire Tire Jack Jack Handlc and Tool StorHge 4 door model 5 door mOOrl Span lire Jack hamlk Too bag Jock 5 16...

Страница 138: to a level spot thOl1 is well otT the roOld and OUI o fthe way of t raffic 0 change Ihe tire Slopping in t rOllTic or on the shoulder ofa busy road is dangerous L WARN1NG lMkillJ aVehicle CllOngill...

Страница 139: ...ove the jack jack handle lug wrench and spare tire 5 18 5 Blockthe wheel diagonally opposite the flat lire When blocking 11 front wheel place the block in fromorlhe tire When blocking a rear wheel pla...

Страница 140: ...front or rcar jacking position closest to the lire being changed WARNING lacking Po s i Attempting to jack the vehicle in posi ti could damage it and cause seriOllS in jury U e only the correct fro an...

Страница 141: ...ood Be 0 0 Ilml lllIJr oroncl iJ no the only rea son for cleanliness Road grime lends 0 em Hltl at Ihe melof so kN ping your I ehicl c Nm ill he way SectIOn 6flresaibes fill help prellenlll eurly dete...

Страница 142: ...finish And the longer the acid fCmains on the surface the greater the chance is for damage Prcvcntion 11 is ncce lUY to wu h and wax your ve hicle to preserve ItS finish accordmg to the instruction i...

Страница 143: ...ff the loosened debr i s wIth water Waler Marks Occurrence Rain fog dew and even tap watercancon tain hunnfu minerals such as salt amilime If moisture containing these minerals seltles on the vehicle...

Страница 144: directions Maintaining the Finish when using a chemical cleaner or polish Read all wamings and cautions Wa hing To help protect the finish from nI tllnd de terioration wash your Mazda thoroughly an...

Страница 145: ...1 abrasive clean ers or strong detergents containing highly alkaline or caustic agents on chrome plated or 1lI1Odized alumi num pans This may damage the protective coating also cleaners and detergents...

Страница 146: ...arking eIC byu ing Mazda toueh up paim be forc rust begins to form First remove the dut and grease with a clean Mlft clotll If rust has already begun to f onn I Remove ruslcomplct cly with iand paper...

Страница 147: ...Ollle other protective compound Ll CAUTION Don usc steelwool abrasive cleaners or strong detergents containing highly alkaline or caustic agenls on chrome plated or anodized aluminum pans This may res...

Страница 148: ...bra sive cleaner polishing compound or solvent on aluminum wheels Thcy may damage the finish Use only a mild soap or neutral de tergent and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm or cold watcr Also be sure to...

Страница 149: ...dust nndloose din from vinyl with a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner Clean vinyl with a leather and vinyl cleaner Leather Real leather isn t unifonn and may have scars scratches and wrinkles Clean it wit...

Страница 150: ...NG Sent Je t lJ 1magt Damaged sear belts are dUllgerlJflS Then belt icmlldjuiJ to lIuld ill a ac cidellt Replace damaged befts im mediately 6 10 Cleaning the Windo Interiors If the windows become eove...

Страница 151: ...SUlion 7 hm been 1 t IXlfl d IJ a Guidelor Ih opera ur IIho alllr IQ self unice filCh lIIi nor jt bs as rtplaCIIIS bulbs and i N r blades dmfglll Ihl bantry lid row ing Ihe fires All maimt nQnce S hed...

Страница 152: ...ld lead to vehicle damage or an acCident and injuries For expert advice and quality service COIl suit an Authorized Mazda Dealer 7 2 Scheduled Maintenance Services NOTE After 80 000 kill or 48 months...

Страница 153: ...R Oil fillerol R R I R R Cooll11g lem I I Engltlc coolanl Replace every 1 years I Repl cemcnt ofhmmg bel IS rC jum d at cvery lOO OCIO km Fallut l to rtplace IImmg hell may rtsult III d mag to til eng...

Страница 154: ...e kvcl and spcdfic gra ity If the chlclc is operated in cry dusty or sandy areas 7 4 Inspe 1 Visual exammalLon and or fun tlQllalmcasull I11 nt of system SOPl ll11lQll p r nlaflct R Replact or ch811gr...

Страница 155: ...intenance Inspect Visual examlnauon and or functiOflaI measurement ofsym Il1 5 opcrahon or pcrforma R Replace or change Numberofmonlhsorkm miles whichncroome s first 6 12 18 24 30 J6 1 0 10 20 30 40 5...

Страница 156: ......

Страница 157: ......

Страница 158: ...tile hood make certain that you re move all jewelry especially rings bracelels watches and necklaces and all neckties scorw s and similar loose clothinc before getting near the engine or ClIoling fan...

Страница 159: ...Engine Compartment O crvic 1 5 l n 1 8 lilt r lIgine Sp rt rlugs Au OnL ic lransaxlc nUIIJ k 1 dirsticL lonly for aUlOmalK lran uk Hrnkc C1 lch n d loKrr Coohn y lcm l i __ _ Ail filler Maintenance 7...

Страница 160: ...nce 2 O lilcr engine Cooling cap WirKlstlieh J w I j nuid reservoir Engine oil dip llid 7 10 Spark plugs Automalic lransaxk nuid cvel dirsliCk only for l lranS lxlc I h nuid n SCrvoir e ____ _ 1_ _ FU...

Страница 161: ...engine oils can provide improved fuel economy and cold weather perfor mance But high temperature weather conditions require higher viscosity engine oils fopsal isfactory lubrication When choosing an o...

Страница 162: ...wait 5 minutes for Iheoil 10 return to the 011 pan 4 Pull out the dipstick WIpe It clean and remsert n fully 7 12 It s OK between F and L Butifit s ncarlitor belowL addenough oil to bring the level t...

Страница 163: ...nspcct the anlifrceze protcction and cool ant level in the coolant reservoir at least once a year at the beginningofthc winler season and before traveling where tem peratures may drop below freezing I...

Страница 164: ...azda Dealer 7 14 6CAUTION Radiator coolant will damage painl Rinse 11 off quickly Inspecting BrakeIClutch I luid Level The bmkes and clulch draw f luid rrom the same reservoir Inspectthefluid level In...

Страница 165: ...ff immediately 6CAUTION Using nonspccified brake and clutch fluids see chart page 9 2 will damage the systems Mixing different fluids will also damage hem If the brakclclutch system frequently require...

Страница 166: ...luid level in me reselVoir at each engine oil change with the engine off and cold Addfluidif nccessary itdocs no require periooic changing The level must be kept between MIN and MAX Visually examine t...

Страница 167: ...2 A rl Jn pccified t1uid could result in transaxle malfunction md faIlure I Park on a level surface and set the park ing brake fimlly 2 Idle the engine about twO minutes Pmh down on the brake pedal m...

Страница 168: ...ct the flUid level after the engine reaches operating temperature If the vehicle has been driven for an extended period at high speeds or in city traffic in hot weather inspect the level only after rn...

Страница 169: ...ashcrfluidlevel in the rcar reservoir remove the cap and look into the rescrvoir Add fluid if nccessary Maintenance Body Lubrication All moving pointsofthc body such as door andhood hingcs and locks s...

Страница 170: the air filter cover and remove the filter 3 Wipe insidc thc airclcancrhousingwith a damp cloth 4 Replace the filter 5 Install in the reverse order of removlll Replace the filter according to Sch...

Страница 171: ...s If the blades are not wiping properly clean the window and blades with a good cleaner or Illild detergent then rinse thoroughly with clean water Repeat if necessary CAUTION To prevent damage to the...

Страница 172: ...rd thcnlift it off the arm Lr CAUTlON To prcvcnt damage 10 the windshield don tlct the wipcr amI fall on it 7 22 Tabs 2 Hold the end orthc rubber and pull until the tabs are rrec of the metal suppor1...

Страница 173: ...the wiper no longer dean well the blade is probably worn or cracked Replace CAUTION To pre ent damage to the wiper arm and other component dOli move he wiper by hand 1aintcnnnce 1 Raise the wiper arm...

Страница 174: ...elow Keep alljlames sparh ami lit mwk ing materiah away from the battery Baltery cells contain hydro en a highly cmnbll tible glH Keep batteries which callfain SULFURICACID Jut afthe reach of children...

Страница 175: ...nance To get the best service from a battery Keep it securely mounted Keep the top clean and dry Keep tenninals and conncclion clean light andcoated with petroleumjelly or leoninal grease Rin olTspill...

Страница 176: s low recharge the bat Battery recharging lery If the ballery quickly discharges be cause for example the lights were left on 100 long with the engine otf slow charge it as required by ballery size...

Страница 177: ...ed or all bim type tirel Lt WARNING nrcSize Using any other tire she or type Ihan whatisspecified or yourMa a page 9 5 may seriously affect ride han dling ground clearance tire clear ance and speedome...

Страница 178: ...yourtire pressure atthe cor rcct leyels If one frequemly need inflating haye it inspected 7 28 L WARNING Tire inflation O erillfl lf OIl or II lIden lIflatitm call reduce tire life affect hUlldlillg...

Страница 179: ...ght r Trea J wear indicator Wom Irca J Replacing a tire Ifa tire wears evenly a wearindicator will appcar as a solid band across the tread Re place the tire when this happens You may need to replace i...

Страница 180: ...ze Using a wrong sized wheel can affect the braking and handling of your ve hicle which could lead to loss of con troland all accident Ahl Oys use wheel s of the Maula 7 30 LtCAUTION A wrong sized whe...

Страница 181: ...lbs out ofthe reach ofchildren Wear eye pNtection when handlingor work ing around a halogen bulb I Make sure the headlight switch is off 2 Lift the hood The bulb is in the rear of the headlight body 3...

Страница 182: ...Mointeuonce Right hand driH model 7 32...

Страница 183: ...Bulb Replacement Front 4 Door model Maintenance Some models 7 33...

Страница 184: ...Maintenance Bulb Replacement Front 5 Door model 7 34 Some models...

Страница 185: ...Bulb Replacement Rear 4 Door model Maintenance Some models 7 35 I I I...

Страница 186: ...Maintenance Bulb Replacement Rear 5 Door model 7 36...

Страница 187: ...Maintenance Bulb Replacement Interior 7 37...

Страница 188: ...noll aboul regislering Jour ehicle in a ore gfl counln ond add on electri cui t quipmtm Ihis is lir i forma iOlr 0 1 1 find in Seerion 8 Rcgi ter ng Your Vehicle in A Foreign Country 8 2 Add On Elcctr...

Страница 189: ...our vehicle 8 2 Add On Electrical and Elcctronic Equipmcnt The electrical system of your Mazda has been carefully designed and tested to per f0011 under many conditions Before you install more electri...

Страница 190: ...I I Specifications Lubricant Qu lity 9 2 Dunensions 9 2 Engine 9 3 Electrical S slcm 9 3 Capacities 9 4 11rcs 9 5 Light Bulbs 9 7 Fuses 9 7 9 1...

Страница 191: fluid ATF M lJJ or Dcxron II Brake clutch fluid SAE J1703 or FMVSSI16 DOT 3 Refer 10 the recommended SAE viscosity numbcrs on page 7 1 L 9 2 Dimensions Unit 111m mch 4 Door model 5 Door lIIodel Ov...

Страница 192: ...I95ec 90 8 U in 97 5 eu in 112 2eu in 12 7eu ill COl1lpr S ion ratio 9 4 I 9 1 9 1 5 1 Electrical System odel IlI rn I S litcr engine 1 6 liler engine I S liter engine l O liter eugine l3 ttcry 12V 36...

Страница 193: ...iter engillC s 2 0 liter Transaxle engine oil 1 5 1 6 1 8 Jiler ATX engines 2 O litcrcnginc Fu 1 tank MTX Manual transaxlc ATX Automatic transaxle with oil filter 9 4 Liter USql Imp qt 3 2 3 5 3 4 3 7...

Страница 194: ...240 270 220 270 2 4 35 2 7 39 2 2 32 2 7 39 Type 1 6 or J 8 litcr 185 65R1 4 86H 195155R158 4V itt m Front Rear Front Rear Up to3 persons 210 210 220 2 10 lnllation pressure 2 1 30 2 1 30 2 2 32 2 1 3...

Страница 195: ...lcm 2 psi FutlloJd 240 1 270 1 240 2 270 2 2 4 35 2 7 39 2 4 35 2 7 39 1 person s weight About75 kg 165 Ib 1 Before driving al high speeds increase the tife pres ure For Jleeds about 160km h 100 mph i...

Страница 196: ...ide tum ignal 1ighls Rear 1Um sign l lights Brnkc rr ail lights Back up light Licc nse pllile light Tnmk light 4 Door model Luggage conpanmcnl 1 l ht 5 Door model Inlerior light Map lights IlIgh mount...
