Maytag MAV8600 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5

Содержание MAV8600

Страница 1: 3 4 _TING TIPS Pages S 8 _HSER P_9_s 7 8 _ CLEANING Page 9 _l_IHG Page 8 _E YOU CALL Page 1o _AHTY Page 11 DF L UTILISAEUR Pa e 1 _DEL USUARIO Page 24 A 01 i02 Part No 6 2611120 h t t p w w w m a y t a g c o m MCS No 22003352 Litho U S A _2 002 Maytag Appliance6 Sale_ Co ...

Страница 2: ... these numbers for easy access ModelNumber Serial Number Dateof Purchase IMPORTANT Keepthis guideandthe sales receiptina safeplaceforfuturereference Proof oforiginal purchase dateisneeded for warranty service Maytag Appliances SalesCompany Attn CAIR Center I O Box2370 Cleveland TN37320 2370 1 800 688 9900 USA 1 800 688 2002 CANADA 1 800 688 2080 USATTY fordeaf hearing impaired or speech impaired M...

Страница 3: ...t beenused for 2 16 weeks or more HYDROGENGAS IS EXPLOSIVE Ifthe hotwater sys tem has not been used for such a period before using a washing machine or combination washer 17 dryer turn on all hot water faucets andlet the waterflow from each for several minutes This will release 18 any accumulatedhydrogengas As the gas is flammable do not smoke or use an open flame during this time Do not reach int...

Страница 4: ... ons arechosen see pg 4 You may hear this change in speed This is normal PRESOAK allows for a total of 33 minutes washtime The first12 minutes are periodsof agitationand soak fol lowedby21 minutesof agitation PRE SOAK automatically advances through the washcycle DELICATES SPIN RINSI HANOWASH DELICATES is designed to clean items requiringa gentlewash action Thiswouldincludeblousesand dressshirts Th...

Страница 5: ...TURE CONTROL assures a cold waterwash of 75 F and warm water wash of 95 E This option assures detergent willdissolve and provide optimum cleaningresults CANCEL Pressthisbuttonto cancel and resetanyof the options AUTO O TEMPERATURE CONTROL IfAutoTemperatureControlis selected with a Warm Warm Warm Cold or Cold Cold watertemperature setting the lightwillilluminate during the first fill XtRA R_NSE CHr...

Страница 6: the bleach dispenser Thisdispenserautomaticallyreleasesliquid fabricsoftenerat the propertimeduring the cycle To use followthesesteps 1 Pour liquid fabric softener into the dis penserusingthe amountrecommended on the package 2 Addwarmwaterto the dispenseruntil it reachesthe MAXline Wipe upspills Do notstopthe washerduringthefirst spin This will cause the dispenserto emptytoo soon Neverpourfabri...

Страница 7: ...signedto be sensitiveto every load The spiral finswill movecontinuously with large heavy loads With smaller more delicate loads the spiral finswill moveintermittently orwithvery lightloads not at all Itis normal to notice a differencein the agitatorsound fromloadto load ADJUSTABLE CHIME CHIME HI _ OFF LO The end of cycleCHIME will sound once when the cycle is completed The volumeof the chimecan be...

Страница 8: in the dis penser 8 Move the slide indicator to the levelof the liquidinthe sightglass figure3 For your nextleadof laundry just pressand holdthe PUSH buttonuntil the deter gent movesdownto the slideindicatorto dispensedetergentdirectlyinto the tub Steps 7 and 8 only need to be done ONCEwhen f_rst_ llingthe dispenseror changingbrandsof detergent 6 Movethe slide indicatorall the way to the top fi...

Страница 9: ...rnative to Tide it is important the dispenser be empty and clean before adding new deter gent Differentdetergentsmay interact andclog the dispenser F igure 4 TO REPLACE THE DISPENSER 1 Placethe top of the dispenserinthe top lip of the lid 2 Push the bottom of the dispenserinto the bottom of the lid 3 While supporting the bottom use a quarterandturn each of the four screws 1 4 turn clockwiseto lock...

Страница 10: ...pletecycle to rinse out any remainingcleaningsubstance STORING THE WASHER Washers can be damaged if water is not removed from hoses and internal compo nents before storage Preparethe washer for storageas follows Select NORMALon the WHITES cycle and add one cup of bleach OR white vinegar to a full load of water without clothes Do not mixbleachand vinegar in the samewash Hazardousfumes can form Run ...

Страница 11: ...alancedload is detected Thisis normal Redistribute the load in the tub and set thewasheronSPIN STOPS Turnthe control dialto propercycle and pull dial out to start the washer If equipped withbuttons be surethey are fullydepressed Close lid and pull dial out to start the washer For your safety washerwill not agitateor spin unlesslidis closed This may be a pause or soak pedod in the cycle Wait briefl...

Страница 12: ...pliancewas purchased d A clear descriptionof the problemyou are having e Proofof purchase WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THESE WARRANTIES 1 Conditionsanddamagesresultingfromany of the following a Improperinstallation delivery or maintenance b Any repair modification alterationor adjustmentnot authodzedby the manufacturer or an authorizedservicer c Misuse abuse accidents or unreasonableuse d Incorrectelect...

Страница 13: ...W MAYFAG _ _ES DE SECURITE age 14 _t_ANDE5 EN BREF Pages 15 16 _ _ILS DE FONCTIONNEMENT Pages 1T 18 _RIBUTEURDE _ERGENT Pages 19 2o _TIEN page 21 _AGE DE LA MACHINE Page 21 _ D APPELER LE SERVICE DE DEPANNAGE Page 2z NTIE Page 23 DEL USUARIO P age 24 htt p www m ayt _g corn ...

Страница 14: ...bordgauche arri_re dutableau decommande Veuilleznotercos num6rospour les avoir porteedemain Num_ro de module Num_ro des_rie Ladaled origine IMPORTANT Conservezce guide et le coupon de caissedansunendroitsOrpour r_fdrence ult_deure Une preuvede I achat d origine estexig_e pourtoutesprestations degarantie Maytag Appliances SalesCompany 1 800 688 2002 CANADA Dulundiauvendredi 8 h_8 h heure deI est In...

Страница 15: ...i n estpas utilise pendant 2 semaines ou plus I Hy DROG_NE ESTUNEXPLOSIE Sivotre syst_mede chauffage d eau n estpas utilise sur unetelledur_e ouvrirtousles robinets d eauchaudeet laisserceuler reau pendantplusieurs minutesevent d utiliservotremachine a laverou votre ensemblemachine_ laver s_cheuse Ceci elimineroute accumulation d hy drog_ne Ce gaz etantinflammable ne pesfamerniutiliser de Itamme v...

Страница 16: ...dant le cyclesi le r_glage cycleper sonnalis_ option a 6t6 no s_lectionne voir page16 II estpossible que I on entende ce changement derythme Ceci estnormal PRESOAK prdtrempage assure une p_riode de lavage totalede 33 minutes Les premieres 12 minutesse composentde p_ri odesd agitationel de trempagesuivies de21 minutesd agitation Le trempageest automa tiquementsuivi d un cyclede lavage DELICATES SPI...

Страница 17: ...b raaufToide de24 C 75 F ete I eau chaudede 35 _ C 95 F Cetteoption assure unebonnedilution dudetergent etdesr_sultats optimums CANCEL annulet Appuyer surcarte touche pour annular et r8initiafiser n importe laquelle des options AUTO O TEMPERATURE CONTROL Si AutoTemperature Control_ contr61e automatique de la temperature ests_lec tionne avecle reglage de la temperature de I eau _ Warm Warm _ tibde ...

Страница 18: ...edansledistdbuteur dejavellisant Ce distributeur ajoute I assouplissant liquideau moment vouluducycle PourI utiliser proceder cornme suit 1 Verser I assouplissant liquide densledistrib uteurenutilisant laquantite recommandee surI emballage 2 Mettrede I eautilde dansle distributeur jusqu a cequ elleatteigne lerepute indiqu6 _MAX Essuyer les6claboussures Ne pasarr_ter la machine durant le pre mieres...

Страница 19: ...charge delinge Lespalesen spiralesont constamment en mouvement en presence d artielesIourdsou de grandetaille En presence de lingeplusd61icat ou de plus petitetaillele mouvement despalesen spirale estintermittent et pourunet_s petitecharge il n ya aueun mouvement despalesenspirale II estnormalquele sonemisparr agitateur soit different d unecharge_ uneautre CHIME ADJUSTABLE CHIME SIGNAL SONORf GLAB...

Страница 20: I 7 Me irelecapuchon devotremarque dedeter gent souele bouton_ PUSH_ pousser Remplir enappuyant surlebouton PUSH defaconcontinue lecapuchon de d6tergent au distributeur en y inerrantla quantit _ qui convient_ unechargemoyenne figure2 Megrele d6tergentqui se trouvedartsle capuchon dunslacureouleremettre dansle distributeur apr_sevoirenlev_ lecapuchon de remplissage Rgure 2 8 Me ire rindicateur c...

Страница 21: ...ibuteur se rideret de lenet foyer event d ajouter dunouveau d_tergent IIpourrait y avoiruneinteraction quiprove queraitI obstruction du distdbuteur entre losd_tergents F_ure 4 RE 41SE DU DISTRIBUTEUR EN PLACE 1 Mettrele hautdu distributeur dens la I_vre sup_rieure ducouvercle 2 Pousser lebasdudistributeur denslebasdu couvercle 3 Touten soutenant le fond faire tourner I aided unepiecede 25 los quet...

Страница 22: ...u dn_ge hors detoute substance restante denettoyage flEMISASE DE LA MA HIHE LAYER Lamachine risqued etreendommag6e siI eau quisetrouve I int6rieur ainsi quedartslesboy auxn estpasevacu6e avantdela remiser Voici lamarche bsuivrepourpreparer leremisage de lamachine Selectionner NORMAL avec un cycle WHITES blanc et ajouterune tasse de javellisant OU devinaigreblancparcharge compl6te d eau sansajouter...

Страница 23: ...lacureetselec tionnerdenouveau SPIN Essorage S ARR_ TE Mettre le selecteur sur le cyclevoulu et tirer dessuspourlemettraen position dernarche Sila machine estdoteedetouches s assurar qu elles sontpoussees _ fond Fermer le couvercle et tirer sur le selecteur Pour desraisons desecuritY I agitation etres soragenefonctionnent passi lecouvercle est ouvert C estpeut _tre simplement unepauseou une phase ...

Страница 24: ...ns suivantes a installation livraison ouentretien d6fectueux b Touter_paration modification alteration ou ajustement nonautoris6par le fabdcent ouunprestataire deservice apr_s vente agree c Usage inappropd_ abusif d_rasionnable ouaccidents d Alimentation _lectdque outension incorrectes e R_glage inapproprie detoutecommande 2 Lesgaranties sontannul6es si fasnurn_ros deseried origineont _t_ enlev_s ...

Страница 25: ...CCIOHES DE SEGURIDAD P_gina 26 _NTROLES k SIMPLE VISTA P_tginas 27 28 C _ERENCIAS PARk LA OPERA ION P_gin s 2g 3o _DOR DE DETERSI_HTE P6gina 31 32 _DO YLIMPIEZA P_gin 33 _ _ _ACENAMIENTO DE LA LAVADORA P_gin 33 __S DE LLAMAR P_gi _ _NTiA P6gina 35 http 21www maytag corn ...

Страница 26: ... parasu facii acoeso NClmero de Modelo Nurnerode Serie Dated achat IMPORTANTE Mantengaesta guia y el reci be de ventaen un lugarseguro parareferen cia futura Se requiere pruebade la compra originalpara recibirservicio bajola garantJa Sitienepreguntas escribanos o Ilarne altel6 fonoqueseindicea continuaci6n Maytag Appliances SalesCompany 1 800 688 9900 EE UU 1 800 688 2002 CANADA Deiunesa viernes d...

Страница 27: ...HIDROGENO ES EXPLOSIVe Si el sistemadelaguacalienteno ha side usadodurantetal periodo antesde usarunalavadora o unacombinaciGn delavadora y secadora abratodaslas fiaves delaguacaliente y dejequeel aguaescurradurantevariesminutas Estoeliminar_ coalquier gashidr6geno acurnulado Debidoa qua el gas es inflamable nofumeni useuna llama abiertadurante esteperiodo No coloque la mann dentro del elec trodom...

Страница 28: ... si se noselecdona Cido Ajustado alGusto yea la p_gina28 Ustedpuedeoir estecambio de la velocidad Estoes normal FF PRESOAK remojo previo permite un totalde 33 minutesde tiempo de lavado Losprimeros12minutesson periodosde agitado y remojo seguidos de21minutes de agitado Elremojoprevioautomaticamente avanza alcido delavado DELICATES RinS HANDWABH DELICATES delicados Se utilizaparalimpiararticulos qu...

Страница 29: ...ol detemperalura automatica Garantiza una temper alum delagua friadelavado de75 F 24 C ydelagua tibia de 95 F 35 C Esta opci6n garantiza queeldeter genie sedisuelva y ofrezca 8ptimos resultados de limpieza CANCEL _n_la_ Oprima estaperilla pare concolaryraponercoalquiemdelasopciones AUTO O TEMPERATURE CONTROL Siseselecciona Auto Temperature Control con troldetemperatura autom_tica con unajuste de I...

Страница 30: ...tesuefta el suavizante de telas liquidoen el momento apropiado durante el cido Parausarlo sigalos pasos a continuaci6n 1 Vierla el suavizante de telas liquido en el surtidor usandola cantidadrecomendadaen el paquete 2 ASada aguatibiaalsurtidor hasta queflegue a la lineaMAX line L NEADE M_xima Limpielosderrames Nodetenga lalavadora durante laprimera exprirnida Estohar_quesevacieelsur tidordemasiado...

Страница 31: ...etasespirales estar_nencontinuo movimiento concargas grandes y pesadas Con lascargasmaspequefias o m s delicadas las aletasespimlesse mover_n intermitentemente y concargasmuylivianas casinose moveran Esnormal observar unadiferencia enel sonido delagitador de unacargaaotra ADJUSTABLE CHIME YOLII_N REGUI_ DEL AVISADOR El AVISADOR de fin de ciclosonar_unavez cuando sehayacompletado eldclo Elvolumen d...

Страница 32: ...brala puertadelalavadora I Lospasos7 y 8 s61o tienenquerealizarse UNAVEZ cuandoIlenelaprimera vezelsur tidoro cambie marcas dedetergente 8 Muevael indicador deslizable al nivelde liquidoen la ventanilla de vidrio figura3 Parasu siguientecargade lavado s61o oprima y mantengaoprimido el bot6n PUSH ophimir hastaqueel detergente bajeal indicador deslizanteparasurtirel detergente directamente dentrodel...

Страница 33: ...portante quevacieel sur tidory Io laveantesde aSadirel nuevo delergente Los detergentesdistintos pueden interactuar y obstnJir elsurtidor _ Jgur d 4 PAR VOLV R COLOCAR L SURTIDOR 1 Coloque la parte superior del surtidor en la lengOetasuperiorde la tapa 2 Empuje elrondo delsurtidor enelfondodela tapa 3 Mientras sostiene el rondo useunamoneda y gireloscoatrotornillos uncuartodevuelta enelsentido del...

Страница 34: ciarestante delalimpieza ALMACEFIAJE DE LA LAVADORA Laslavadoras pueden dar_arse si noselessara elaguadelasmangueras y deloscomponentes internosantes de almacenada Preparela lavadora delmodosiguiente paraalmacenarla Seleccione NORMAL en el dclo WHITES blancos y aSada unatazadeblanqueador o vinagreblancoa unacargacompleta de aguasinropa Nomezcleelblanqueador y el vinagreenel mismolavado Sepueden...

Страница 35: ...laencantrifugado SE DETIENE Gireeldiscoindicador decontrol alciclo cor recto ytiredelaperilla decontrol parearran carlalavadora Sila lavadora tiene botones asegt rese de que est_n completemente opdmidos Cierrelatapaytiredeldisco decontrolpare quelalavadore arranque Porsuseguddad la lavadora noagitar_ niexprimir_ a menosque Istapaest_corrada Estopuedeserunapauseo unperiodo de remojado enelcido Espe...

Страница 36: condiciones a Instalaci6n entrega o mantenimiento inadecuados b Cualquier reparation modificaci6n altemci6n o ajuste noautorizado parelfabdcante oparuntecnicodeservicio autorizado c Usainadecuade abuso accidentes o usairrazonable d Corriente voltaje o suministro elSctrico incorrecto e Ajuste incorrecto de unodeloscontroles 2 Lasgaranttas seanular_n si losnemeros deserieoriginales sequRan altera...
